Today’s Bible Reading
February 18

Old Testament 1
Exodus 9

Many people don't think about the reason for their living, infact some don't know why their life is being sustained.

The dangerous part of life especially for the wicked is the grace of God towards them even when they are not in good terms with Him, they fail to know that it is the righteousness of God which will condemn them on the judgement day.

Some may have fallen but still perform miracles, prophesy and many other spiritual works. They might know they are not in a good relationship with God, such people should ask themselves the reason for their living. Every vessel should know the reason for their existence in God's house. Pharaoh thought he was clever and Moses and his God were fools, because as soon as he asked for mercy, without delay he got it, and God made him to know that the opportunity given to him will soon expire, likewise some abuse the mercy of God because they get forgiven immediately when they plead for mercy. We should be careful, Grace is given but there's a “deadline” for Grace.

Please don't look on your achievement but look on your relationship with God, how He has been speaking with you and how he speaks now, your dream, vision, quiet time, Biblical understanding and prayer life will show your state in the Lord.

Old Testament 2
Psalms 40 & 41

This Psalm is a prayer against enemies and requests for God's help.

Also, we need to be patient when we make a request to God. Sometimes He answers quickly and sometimes His answer is wait. Either ways, God knows best and we should trust Him. He makes everything beautiful in it's time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11)

New Testament
Acts 4:1-31

Peter had the boldness to preach the gospel because he was filled with the Holy Spirit.

And when the Pharisees and the priest tried to shut him and the Disciples up. When the Pharisees told the Disciples not to preach Jesus Christ again, they gathered and prayed about it. They got filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God with boldness.

Action Point

Ask for the power of Holy Spirit so that you will have the boldness to start sharing the Gospel

Why do you live? Who do you live for? Ask yourself this question


“If Jesus preached the same message ministers preach today, he would never have been crucified”

-Leonard Ravenhill

“The preaching that this world needs most is the sermons in shoes that are walking with Jesus Christ”

-D.L. Moody

“Do all you can to preach the gospel and if necessary use words”

-Francis of Assisi

Prayer Points

1. Thank God for creating you in His image

2. Ask God for mercy

3. Pray for the Power of Holy Spirit

4. Pray for boldness to be able to share the Gospel of Christ

5. Pray for the spirit of patience

6. Pray that God reveal your essence of existence to you

7. Pray to God for help and that the plans of the enemies be destroyed



Pastor M. O Shodipe