Today’s Bible Reading
February 22

Old Testament 1
Exodus 13:1 - 14:4

The reason God took the Israelite through the wilderness was because the people will go back to Egypt when they see war. We can also recall that the Philistines later became a serious enemy to Israel. God in His wisdom took the Israelite through the wilderness that He may build them to be His people, covenanted them for His worship, and cared for them as peculiar treasure for Himself. But the people later complained and tried to go back to Egypt several times.

Though the way may be rough but God will be with His people that follow His ways. God was detailed with the Israelite, He told them how Pharaoh will pursue them and He told them where to be. As the shepherd of our souls, He leads us to the place of His will and satisfies us every time.

Don't complain the way God is taking you because He will not leave you alone, He will lead you with His presence day and night.

If Satan knew that the way of Cross will be the way of glory for Jesus, he would have chosen another option but he thought he would shamefully kill Jesus.

Our liberation comes out from the cross and it became our everlasting glory. Therefore give glory to God for taking you through that way, your marriage, vocation, business, especially your Christian life; it may not be as smooth as you think, promotion may delay, there might be various challenges but God knows the best way and the best time, keep going, He will lead you to your destination.

Old Testament 2
Psalm 47 & 48

47:1 Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!

47:7 For God is the King of all the earth; Sing praises with understanding.

48:14 For this is God, Our God forever and ever; He will be our guide Even to death.

We should cultivate the habit of praising God.

New Testament
Acts 7:1-29

Here, Philip/Stephen narrated the whole story of Israel lineage and their journey to Egypt and out of Egypt.

The point of this is to establish to the people that the Gospel of Jesus Christ didn't just appear out of nowhere. There has been a journey right from the beginning and God had a plan.

The people rejected Moses then as their Savior because they were ignorant, and Philip is telling the people the same thing is happening now, you are rejecting Jesus because you are ignorant, and the same thing is happening in our world today. (The Bible says The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God -2 Corinthians 4:4)

Action point

Identify things that are drawing you away from God and cut them off

If you are yet to surrender your life to Jesus Christ or you want to rededicate your life to God, now is the time


“If God seems far away, guess who moved ?”

Prayer points

1. Thank God for the battles He has won for you

2. Thank God for freedom in Christ

3. Ask God for mercy

4. Pray for the power of Holy Spirit

5. Pray that God should free you from everything that's holding you back from serving Him the way you should

6. Intercede for those that are still blinded by the prince of this world that God should open their eyes to see Jesus Christ

7. Pray for yourself that you do not fall from the path of righteousness



Pastor M. O Shodipe