Today’s Bible Reading

November 22

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 18, 19
2 Chronicles 18 begins with the story of King Jehoshaphat of Judah visiting King Ahab of Israel. Ahab proposes that they go to war against Ramoth Gilead, and Jehoshaphat agrees to join forces with Ahab. However, before going to battle, Jehoshaphat requests that they consult with a prophet of the Lord. Ahab gathers his prophets, who all tell him that he will be successful in battle. Jehoshaphat asks if there is any other prophet who could give them advice, and Ahab mentions Micaiah, but warns that he never prophesies anything good about him.

When Micaiah is brought before the kings, he prophesies that the Israelites will be defeated in battle and that Ahab will be killed. Ahab is angered by this and has Micaiah thrown into prison. Despite this warning, Ahab and Jehoshaphat go to battle, and Ahab is indeed killed.

In 2 Chronicles 19, Jehoshaphat returns to Jerusalem and is rebuked by the prophet Jehu for his alliance with Ahab. Jehu reminds Jehoshaphat that the Lord hates those who help the wicked, and advises him to return to the ways of the Lord. Jehoshaphat responds by appointing judges throughout Judah to judge the people according to the law of the Lord. He instructs them to fear the Lord, to act justly, and to warn the people against sin. Jehoshaphat also appoints Levites and priests to oversee the administration of justice.

In summary, 2 Chronicles 18 tells the story of Jehoshaphat's alliance with Ahab and the prophetic warning of their defeat in battle, while 2 Chronicles 19 focuses on Jehoshaphat's response to the rebuke of the prophet Jehu and his efforts to establish justice throughout Judah.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 38
Ezekiel 38 is a prophetic chapter in the Bible that speaks about a future invasion of Israel by a coalition of nations. The chapter begins with the Lord speaking to Ezekiel, telling him to prophesy against Gog, the leader of Magog, a nation from the far north.

The Lord says that He will put hooks in Gog's jaws and bring him and his armies, along with other nations, against Israel. The Lord declares that He will be with Israel and will protect them, causing Gog and his armies to fall on the mountains of Israel.

The chapter goes on to describe the great battle that will take place, with the Lord using natural disasters, plagues, and confusion to defeat the invading armies. The Lord's victory will be so great that it will cause many nations to recognize His power and sovereignty.

The chapter ends with the Lord promising to restore Israel and bless them abundantly. He says that they will live securely in the land, and He will be their God, and they will be His people.

Overall, Ezekiel 38 portrays a future invasion of Israel and the Lord's powerful protection and victory over their enemies. It serves as a reminder of God's sovereignty and His faithfulness to His chosen people.

New Testament
John 15:17 - 16:15
John 15:17-16:15 is a continuation of Jesus' farewell discourse to his disciples before his crucifixion. In this section, Jesus talks about the persecution that the disciples will face after his departure and the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus reminds his disciples that the world will hate them because they belong to him. He tells them that they are not of the world but that he has chosen them out of the world. He also tells them that they will be persecuted, just as he was persecuted, but that they should take heart because he has overcome the world.

Jesus goes on to tell the disciples that he will send them the Holy Spirit, who will guide them into all truth. The Holy Spirit will testify about Jesus, and the disciples will also testify about him. He tells them that the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

Jesus also talks about his impending departure and how it will bring sorrow to the disciples. However, he tells them that their sorrow will turn into joy when they see him again. He uses the analogy of a woman in labor who experiences pain but then forgets it once the child is born.

Jesus concludes by saying that he has told them all of these things so that they may have peace in him. He reminds them that they will have trouble in the world but that he has overcome the world.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the disciples' need to remain connected to Jesus and to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance in the face of persecution and hardship. It also emphasizes the importance of testifying about Jesus and of finding peace in him despite the challenges they will face.