Today’s Bible Reading

November 11

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 29
1 Chronicles 29 describes King David's preparations for the construction of the temple in Jerusalem, which he will not live to see built. David appeals to the people of Israel to contribute generously to the building fund, and they respond with enthusiasm, donating large amounts of gold, silver, bronze, iron, and precious stones. David also makes a personal contribution of his own wealth to the project.

David praises God and acknowledges that all that they have comes from Him. David prays for Solomon, his son, who will succeed him as king and will oversee the building of the temple. He asks God to give Solomon wisdom, understanding, and a loyal heart to follow God's commands.

David then hands over the responsibility of the construction project to Solomon and charges him to be strong, courageous, and faithful to God. Solomon is officially anointed as king, and the people of Israel pledge their allegiance to him.

Finally, David dies and is buried in Jerusalem, having reigned for forty years. Solomon becomes king, and the book ends with a brief summary of his reign.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 26
Ezekiel 26 contains a prophecy against the city of Tyre, a powerful and wealthy port city on the Mediterranean coast that had been a trading partner with many nations, including Israel. The prophecy is given by God through the prophet Ezekiel to warn Tyre of its impending destruction as a result of its pride and arrogance.

In the prophecy, God describes how he will bring many nations against Tyre, and how its walls and towers will be destroyed, its houses and buildings burned, and its inhabitants killed or captured. The prophecy also describes how Tyre's ships and fleets will be destroyed, and how the city's wealth and treasures will be plundered.

God says that the destruction of Tyre will be a sign to the other nations of his power and justice, and that they will know that he is the Lord. He also says that after Tyre's destruction, it will never be rebuilt, and that its location will become a place for fishermen to spread their nets.

The prophecy concludes with a message of hope for Israel, as God promises to restore their fortunes and bless them in the future.

New Testament
John 9:18-38
In John 9:18-38, the Pharisees continue their investigation of the man who was born blind but healed by Jesus. They call in the man's parents to testify about their son's healing, but they are afraid to speak because they fear being kicked out of the synagogue.

The Pharisees then bring the man back in and question him again, asking him to give glory to God instead of Jesus. The man replies that if Jesus were not from God, he could do nothing. The Pharisees become angry and accuse the man of being born in sin and lecturing them. The man defends himself, saying that he was blind but now can see, which is evidence of Jesus' power.

The Pharisees become even more angry and drive the man out of the synagogue. Jesus later finds the man and reveals himself to be the Son of Man, which the man believes and worships him.

The story highlights the stubbornness and spiritual blindness of the Pharisees who refused to believe in Jesus despite the clear evidence of his miraculous healing. It also emphasizes the power of faith and the willingness to stand up for what is right, even in the face of persecution.