Today’s Bible Reading

September 22

Old Testament I
1 Kings 13:33 - 14:31
1 Kings 13:33-14:31 recounts the story of Jeroboam, the first king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel after the kingdom divided. Jeroboam had led the people into idolatry by creating golden calves for them to worship, and this passage reveals the consequences of his disobedience.

In 1 Kings 13:33-34, we see that Jeroboam continues to lead the people into idolatry, despite a prophet's warning. In response, God pronounces judgment on Jeroboam's family, saying that they will be cut off from the earth. The chapter then transitions to a new story in which Jeroboam's son Abijah becomes ill.

In 1 Kings 14:1-6, Jeroboam sends his wife in disguise to consult the prophet Ahijah about his son's condition. Ahijah, who was old and blind, is able to discern her identity and delivers a message from God. He tells her that because of Jeroboam's sins, God will cut off his entire family and that Abijah will die as soon as she returns home.

In 1 Kings 14:7-11, Ahijah addresses Jeroboam directly, condemning him for his disobedience and warning him of the consequences. God had chosen Jeroboam to be king, but he had turned away from God and led the people into sin. As a result, God would bring calamity upon him and his family.

In 1 Kings 14:12-16, Ahijah predicts that Jeroboam's son would die and that his family would be cut off from the earth. He also prophesies that a new king named Josiah, from the tribe of Judah, would come to power and destroy the altars and idols that Jeroboam had set up.

In 1 Kings 14:17-20, Abijah dies just as Ahijah had predicted, and Jeroboam's family is struck with tragedy. The chapter ends with a brief summary of Jeroboam's reign and death. Despite the warnings and judgments from God, Jeroboam remained steadfast in his disobedience and led his people into idolatry, resulting in the downfall of his family and kingdom.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 25
Jeremiah 25 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah that primarily deals with God's judgment against Judah and the surrounding nations. Here is a summary of the chapter:

The chapter begins with a description of the time period during which Jeremiah received the word of the Lord. It was the fourth year of the reign of King Jehoiakim of Judah, which was also the first year of the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (verses 1-3).

God instructs Jeremiah to speak to the people of Judah and the surrounding nations, telling them that they have all sinned against Him and will face His judgment (verses 4-7).

God specifically mentions Babylon as the instrument He will use to bring His judgment upon Judah and the other nations. He says that Babylon will conquer them and take them into exile (verses 8-14).

The chapter goes on to list the nations that will be judged, including Egypt, Moab, Edom, and others (verses 15-26).

Jeremiah is instructed to prophesy against Babylon as well, saying that they will eventually face their own judgment for their pride and wickedness (verses 27-38).

The chapter concludes with a description of the cup of God's wrath that all the nations will be made to drink. This symbolizes the punishment that they will receive for their sins (verses 39-38).

Overall, Jeremiah 25 is a sobering message of God's judgment against sin and a reminder that no nation or individual can escape His justice.

New Testament
Colossians 2:8 - 3:4
Colossians 2:8-3:4 warns against false teachings that may lead Christians astray from the truth. The passage emphasizes the importance of remaining rooted in Christ and not being swayed by the philosophies and traditions of men.

Verse 8 begins by warning the Colossians not to be taken captive by empty philosophies or human traditions that are not based on Christ. These worldly ideas do not come from God, and they can be deceptive and harmful to our faith.

In verse 9, Paul reminds the Colossians that in Christ, they have been made complete. They have everything they need in Him, and they do not need to look elsewhere for wisdom or fulfillment.

Verses 10-15 highlight the transformative power of Christ in our lives. We have been circumcised in Him, not in the flesh, and our old self has been buried with Him in baptism. As a result, we are now made alive in Christ and have been forgiven of our sins.

In verses 16-23, Paul warns against legalism and the tendency to rely on rules and regulations for salvation. Instead, he encourages the Colossians to focus on Christ and to avoid being judged by others for their faith.

In chapter 3, Paul reminds the Colossians that they have been raised with Christ and should set their minds on things above, not on earthly things. They are to put to death their old ways and to put on their new self in Christ.

Paul then gives practical instructions for living out this new life in Christ. He encourages them to put aside anger, malice, and slander and to put on compassion, kindness, humility, and forgiveness.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the importance of remaining rooted in Christ and not being swayed by false teachings or worldly philosophies. It reminds us of the transformative power of Christ in our lives and encourages us to live in a way that honors Him.