Today’s Bible Reading

November 8

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 24, 25
1 Chronicles 24 and 25 describe the organization of the priests and Levites for the service of the temple in Jerusalem, under the direction of King David.

In chapter 24, the priests are divided into 24 groups, each of which takes turns serving in the temple. This division was established by David and the priestly leaders, and was intended to ensure that all the priests had a chance to serve in the temple, and that the service was conducted in an orderly and efficient manner. The chapter also lists the names of the priestly leaders and the Levites who were responsible for overseeing the various aspects of the temple service.

In chapter 25, the Levites who were responsible for the music in the temple are listed, along with the names of their families and the instruments they played. These Levites were divided into 24 groups, each of which took turns serving in the temple. The chapter emphasizes the importance of music in the worship of God, and describes how the Levites were trained and skilled in their musical duties.

Overall, these chapters demonstrate the careful organization and planning that went into the worship of God in the temple in Jerusalem, and the importance that was placed on ensuring that the service was conducted in a manner that was pleasing to God.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 22
Ezekiel 22 is a chapter in the book of Ezekiel in the Old Testament of the Bible. The chapter describes the sins of the people of Jerusalem and the impending judgment that will come upon them.

The chapter begins with God telling Ezekiel to speak to the leaders of Jerusalem and confront them about their sins. God accuses them of shedding blood, committing idolatry, and violating His laws. God says that because of their sins, He will bring judgment upon them.

Ezekiel then lists the sins of the people, including oppression of the poor, mistreatment of foreigners, and sexual immorality. He says that the people have become like dross and that God will gather them together and refine them in His anger.

God declares that He will judge the people of Jerusalem and that no one will be able to stand in the face of His wrath. He says that the people have become like a city full of blood and that He will punish them accordingly. He promises to bring a fire upon them that will consume them like a furnace.

Despite the severity of the judgment, God promises to spare a remnant of the people. He says that He will bring them out of the nations and gather them together in Jerusalem. He promises to purify them and make them His people again.

In conclusion, Ezekiel 22 is a warning to the people of Jerusalem about their sins and the judgment that will come upon them. It is a call to repentance and a reminder of God's mercy and grace for those who turn to Him.

New Testament
John 8:12-30
John 8:12-30 is a passage in which Jesus continues to teach and engage with the Pharisees, who are skeptical of his claims about himself. In this passage, Jesus makes a bold statement: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

The Pharisees challenge Jesus, asking him to testify about himself, and Jesus responds that even if he did testify about himself, his testimony would be true because he knows where he came from and where he is going. He also tells them that they do not know the Father, but that he knows him and keeps his word.

Jesus continues to explain that he is not alone in his testimony, as the Father who sent him also testifies on his behalf. He speaks of the importance of believing in him, and warns that those who do not believe will die in their sins.

The Pharisees then ask Jesus who he is, and he responds, "When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and that I do nothing on my own authority, but speak just as the Father taught me."

As Jesus speaks, many people believe in him, but the Pharisees remain skeptical and continue to challenge him. Jesus tells them that they are not of God, but are instead of their father the devil, because they do not believe in him and seek to kill him.

Overall, this passage emphasizes Jesus' identity as the light of the world and the importance of believing in him. It also highlights the skepticism and hostility of the Pharisees, who continue to reject Jesus despite his claims and the evidence of his works.