Today’s Bible Reading

November 18

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 10, 11
2 Chronicles 10 recounts the events following the death of King Solomon. His son, Rehoboam, succeeded him as king, but faced opposition from Jeroboam, a former servant of Solomon who had returned from Egypt. Jeroboam and the people of Israel came to Rehoboam and asked him to lighten the heavy burden of taxes and labor that Solomon had imposed on them. Rehoboam consulted with his advisors and initially agreed to ease their burdens, but after seeking counsel from his young advisors, he changed his mind and declared that he would make their burdens even heavier. This decision led to a rebellion, and Jeroboam was crowned king of Israel, while Rehoboam retained control of the tribe of Judah.

2 Chronicles 11 describes the reign of Rehoboam in Judah. He fortified cities and appointed priests and Levites to oversee the worship of God. He also took multiple wives and had many children. However, his reign was threatened by an invasion of the Egyptian king, Shishak. Rehoboam and the leaders of Judah humbled themselves before God, and God spared them from destruction but allowed Shishak to plunder the treasures of the temple and the king's palace. Rehoboam reigned for 17 years and was succeeded by his son, Abijah.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 34
Ezekiel 34 is a chapter in the book of Ezekiel that contains a prophecy against the shepherds of Israel. The chapter starts with God's indictment of the leaders of Israel, particularly the shepherds who were supposed to care for the people but had failed to do so. God accuses them of neglecting the needs of the flock, exploiting them for their own gain, and not seeking out the lost and scattered sheep.

In response to this, God promises to be the true shepherd of his people. He will search for his lost sheep, gather them from all the nations where they have been scattered, and bring them back to their own land. He will feed them and care for them, and he will judge between the fat and the lean sheep.

God also promises to raise up a new shepherd for his people, a descendant of David who will be a righteous and just ruler. This shepherd will care for the people and protect them from harm, and he will lead them to prosperity and peace.

The chapter ends with a promise of blessing for the people of Israel. God declares that he will make a covenant of peace with them and bless them with abundant crops and prosperity. He will put an end to their captivity and establish them as a great nation, and they will know that he is the Lord their God.

New Testament
John 13:1-30
John 13:1-30 describes the Last Supper, which was Jesus' final meal with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. The passage begins with Jesus washing his disciples' feet, an act of humility and service. He then explains that the disciples should follow his example and serve one another, just as he has served them.

Jesus goes on to predict that one of his disciples will betray him, causing the others to question who it could be. Jesus identifies Judas as the betrayer, and Judas leaves to carry out his plan.

The passage also includes a conversation between Jesus and Peter, in which Peter insists that he will lay down his life for Jesus. However, Jesus predicts that Peter will actually deny knowing him three times before the night is over.

Overall, the passage emphasizes the themes of humility, service, and loyalty, as well as the idea that Jesus' ultimate sacrifice on the cross is imminent.