MAY 30

Deuteronomy 9:1 - 10:11
Deuteronomy 9:1-10:11 recounts the history of the Israelites and their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land. Moses reminds the people that it was not because of their righteousness or their own strength that God chose them as His people, but rather because of His love and faithfulness to His promise to their forefathers.

Despite their rebellion and disobedience, God remained faithful to His promise and led them out of Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land. Moses recounts the instances where the people rebelled against God and how he interceded on their behalf, reminding them that it was only because of his pleas that God did not destroy them.

Moses also reminds the people of the importance of keeping God's commandments and statutes, which are given not to burden them but to bring them life and blessings. He encourages them to circumcise their hearts and be obedient to God's Word.

In conclusion, Deuteronomy 9:1-10:11 serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness, His mercy towards His people, and the importance of obedience to His commands. It also emphasizes the need for repentance and a change of heart, as well as the blessings that come from following God's ways.

Ecclesiastes 11, 12
Ecclesiastes 11:

In Ecclesiastes 11, the Preacher urges his readers to take risks and seize opportunities. He advises that they should not be afraid to cast their bread upon the waters, for after many days, it will return to them. He also encourages them to diversify their investments, for they do not know which will prosper – whether planting in the morning or in the evening.

The Preacher also acknowledges the unpredictability of life, noting that no one can predict when disaster may strike. Therefore, he advises that we should enjoy life while we can, but also be mindful of the judgment that awaits us after death.

Ecclesiastes 12:

In Ecclesiastes 12, the Preacher gives his final admonitions. He urges the young to remember their Creator in the days of their youth, before the days of trouble and old age come upon them. He also warns of the vanity of pursuing worldly pleasures and material possessions, noting that they are all ultimately empty and meaningless.

The Preacher then describes the pains and difficulties of old age, using vivid imagery to describe the failing body and senses. He concludes by reiterating the importance of remembering one's Creator and keeping His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. He also reminds his readers that God will judge every work, whether good or evil.

Luke 9:1-17
In Luke 9:1-17, Jesus sends out the twelve apostles to proclaim the kingdom of God and heal the sick. He gives them authority and instructs them to travel light, relying on the hospitality of others. They set out and witness many miraculous healings.

Meanwhile, the crowds following Jesus continue to grow, and they become hungry. Jesus takes five loaves of bread and two fish, blesses them, and feeds the crowd of over 5,000 people. Afterwards, there are twelve baskets of leftovers.

This passage demonstrates Jesus' power and authority, as well as his compassion for those in need. It also highlights the importance of relying on God and being willing to serve others, even if it means going out of our comfort zones.