Today’s Bible Reading

July 10

Old Testament I
Judges 3:5-31
Judges 3:5-31 is a passage that describes the cycle of sin, oppression, and deliverance that characterizes the book of Judges. The passage introduces three judges, Othniel, Ehud, and Shamgar, who were raised up by God to deliver Israel from their enemies.

The passage begins by noting that the Israelites intermarried with the Canaanites and worshipped their gods, which was a violation of God's commandments. As a result, God allowed the Canaanites to oppress Israel for eight years. However, when the Israelites cried out to God for help, he raised up Othniel, Caleb's younger brother, to deliver them. Othniel led the Israelites to victory over the Canaanites, and the land had peace for forty years.

After Othniel died, the Israelites again turned away from God and served the false gods of the Canaanites. God then raised up Ehud, a left-handed man from the tribe of Benjamin, to deliver them from the Moabites. Ehud created a double-edged sword, which he concealed on his right thigh, and used it to assassinate the Moabite king, Eglon. He then led the Israelites to victory over the Moabites, and the land had peace for eighty years.

The passage concludes by noting that after Ehud died, the Israelites again turned away from God and served the false gods of the Canaanites. God then raised up Shamgar, who killed six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad, a farming tool used to prod cattle.

Overall, Judges 3:5-31 highlights the importance of faithfulness to God and the consequences of disobedience. It also shows how God raises up leaders to deliver his people when they cry out to him for help.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 24
Isaiah 24 is a prophetic chapter in the Bible that speaks about the judgment of God upon the earth. The chapter begins by stating that the Lord will make the earth desolate and turn it into a wasteland. This will happen because the people of the earth have disobeyed God's laws and have broken His covenant.

Isaiah 24 then goes on to describe the devastation that will occur. The cities will be destroyed, the land will be stripped bare, and the people will be scattered. The chapter also speaks about the impact this judgment will have on the natural world, with the sun and moon being darkened, the stars falling from the sky, and the oceans roaring and raging.

However, amidst this destruction, Isaiah 24 offers hope. The prophet states that a remnant will remain, and they will sing praises to the Lord. They will acknowledge God's power and recognize that He is the one who rules over all. The chapter ends with a promise that God will reign on Mount Zion and that His glory will be seen throughout the earth.

In summary, Isaiah 24 speaks of the judgment of God upon the earth due to the disobedience of the people. It describes the devastation that will occur, but also offers hope for a remnant who will acknowledge God's power and reign.

New Testament
1 Corinthians 3
1 Corinthians 3 is a continuation of Paul's discussion on divisions within the church in Corinth. He begins by addressing the fact that he had to speak to the Corinthians as "infants in Christ" because they were still behaving as worldly people, showing jealousy and strife among them. He notes that this divisive behavior is evidence that they are not yet mature in their faith.

Paul then uses an analogy of building to illustrate his point. He says that he laid the foundation of their faith as a skilled master builder, and others are building on it. However, it is important that each person builds with care because their work will be tested by fire. If their work survives, they will receive a reward, but if it is burned up, they will suffer loss. Paul emphasizes that each person's work will be revealed on judgment day.

Paul also addresses the issue of boasting in human leaders. He tells the Corinthians that they should not be divided based on who baptized them or who their favorite teacher is because all leaders are servants of God, and it is God who gives the growth. Paul reminds them that the church belongs to God and that they should not boast in human leaders, but rather in Christ.

In conclusion, Paul exhorts the Corinthians to be wise and not to deceive themselves. He tells them that if they think they are wise, they should become fools for the sake of Christ. He reminds them that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God and that they should not boast in human wisdom. Instead, they should boast in the Lord, who is their true source of wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption.