Today’s Bible Reading
February 20

Old Testament 1
Exodus 11:1 - 12:20

God revealed power in the blood to save mankind which typify the atonement blood of Jesus Christ. We can recollect as God covered Adam and Eve with the skin of an animal which surely would have been killed before using the skin. As we read in this passage we can see how He separated His people from the people of Egypt which signify the Saints from the World by putting the blood of lamb at their door post and as many that put the blood were saved from the destruction of the firstborn in Egypt, including some none Israelites that obeyed the instructions were saved as we will see it as we proceed in our study. The Passover created here was in place until it was fulfilled when Jesus shed His blood for the atonement sacrifice for all human beings. This clearly shows that anyone that did not accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour will not be saved because no other condition was given to the Israelites in Egypt than the blood and the blood of Jesus speaks better than the blood of ram. No one can be saved by the blood of Ram, this was a release of the plan of salvation to the world which was physically and historically shown as a prophecy which was fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

Therefore, no good works or norms or tradition or religion will save except by the blood of Jesus Christ. And anyone that believes in Jesus Christ shall not perish but have everlasting life. The question is, have you been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ? Because those that are cleansed by the blood through their confession and baptism shall be saved. They are those that their sins will be forgiven by the covenant of the blood of Jesus Christ, and His image covers them anywhere they may be.

Old Testament 2
Psalms 44

44:3 For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, Nor did their own arm save them; But it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your countenance, Because You favored them.

Never think you could do anything on your own. It's by God's favour. No king is saved by the multitude of an army; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength- Psalm 33:16 NKJV, The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD- Proverbs 21:31 NLT). So rather than gloat, praise God instead.

New Testament
Acts 5:12-42

The aspect of suffering is what many Christians are avoiding today, but the Apostles were rejoicing for fellowshipping with the suffering of Jesus Christ.

They were imprisoned before being released by the angel who ordered them to go to the temple to continue preaching. They were brought to the Jewish elders who would have killed them if not for the intervention of God through Gamaliel. They beat them and sent them out with serious warning, but instead for the Apostles to be sorrowful they were rejoicing rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name of Jesus Christ.

Paul said we have been given not only to believe in Him but to suffer with Him, and he said further that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection when I fellowship with His Suffering. All what we are passing through are part of our suffering, what we hear, when we are cheated, insulted and many other things we experience may be our own suffering. We don't need to complain but to count it has joy, our joy should be more glorious since we are not suffering as a criminal, though we may be alleged and arrested like criminals for the sake of the gospel but God knows how He will deliver His people, and like the three Hebrews said if God did not save us, let it be understood oh king that we will not bow down for your image. We need to be faithful to the end knowing fully well that we have a place in heaven and there is a crown awaiting the martyrs in heaven. And if it is not our appointed time no one will take away our life. There are miracles that follows the suffering of a christian such as adding more soul to the church and boldness to preach the gospel as we see in the latter part of the passage we read, because persecution strengthen the early church to the extent that someone says persecution is the strength of the gospel while another person says the blood of the saints is the fuel of the gospel. We don't need to run away from suffering though it's not butter and bread but the reward therein is glorious. Let us endure hardship as the true Soldiers of God. The grace to endure to the end may the Lord give to us in Jesus name.

Action Point

If you are yet to be washed in the Blood of Jesus Christ surrender to Him now, confess your sins, ask Jesus to come into your life and purify you from your sins

Make it a habit to glorify God in your wins

Set a goal of how many people you will reach with the gospel in a day, week, month, year


“From the cross, God declares 'I Love You'”

-Billy Graham

“No pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown.”

-William Penn

“Through the death of Christ upon the cross, sin itself was crucified for those who believe in Him”

-Billy Graham

Prayer Points

1. Thank Jesus for coming to dying for your sins

2. Thank God for your wins

3. Ask for God mercy and forgiveness of your sin

4. Pray for the power to preach the gospel anywhere



Pastor M.O Shodipe