Today’s Bible Reading

September 14

Old Testament I
1 Kings 7
1 Kings 7 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of 1 Kings that describes the construction of Solomon's palace and the temple furnishings.

The chapter begins by describing how Solomon built his own palace, which took him 13 years to complete. The palace was very impressive, with a large throne room, a hall of justice, and a separate house for Solomon's wife, Pharaoh's daughter.

After completing his palace, Solomon turned his attention to the construction of the temple. He hired a skilled craftsman named Hiram from Tyre to make the temple furnishings, including the bronze pillars, the bronze basin, and the ten stands for the ten basins.

The chapter also describes the construction of the Sea, a large bronze basin that held water for the priests to wash in. The Sea was supported by twelve bronze oxen, and was an impressive sight.

Finally, the chapter ends by describing the other furnishings that Hiram made for the temple, including the ten lampstands, the ten tables, and the golden altar. Everything was made with great skill and attention to detail, and the temple was a magnificent tribute to the glory of God.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 14
Jeremiah 14 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, which records the prophecies and messages of the prophet Jeremiah to the people of Judah during the 7th century BCE. In this chapter, Jeremiah laments the drought that has affected the land of Judah and the people's disobedience to God.

Verse 1-6: The chapter begins with a description of the severe drought that has afflicted Judah. The people are depicted as being in a state of mourning and despair because of the lack of rain. The land is dry, and the crops have failed, causing famine and hunger.

Verse 7-9: Jeremiah pleads with God to show mercy to the people of Judah and to forgive their sins. He reminds God of His covenant with Israel and urges Him to remember His promises to protect and bless His people.

Verse 10-12: God responds to Jeremiah's plea by telling him that the people's sins have reached a point of no return, and He will not relent from punishing them. God warns Jeremiah not to pray for the people anymore, as He will not hear his prayers.

Verse 13-16: Jeremiah laments the false prophets who have deceived the people with their messages of peace and prosperity, despite the impending doom that God has pronounced upon them. He acknowledges the people's guilt and confesses their sins to God, asking for His mercy and forgiveness.

Verse 17-22: The chapter ends with a final plea from Jeremiah for God's mercy and compassion. He acknowledges the people's past disobedience and begs God to remember His covenant with them. Jeremiah expresses his faith in God's power to save and deliver His people, despite their current situation of distress and affliction.

New Testament
Ephesians 6:10-24
Ephesians 6:10-24 is a passage in which the apostle Paul exhorts believers to put on the whole armor of God in order to stand firm against spiritual warfare. Here is a summary of the passage:

Paul begins by urging the Ephesians (and by extension, all believers) to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. He emphasizes that their struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

To equip themselves for this battle, Paul instructs them to put on the full armor of God. This armor consists of:

  1. The belt of truth: representing the need for believers to live in truth and honesty, and to be firmly grounded in God's Word.
  2. The breastplate of righteousness: symbolizing the righteousness that comes from faith in Christ, which protects the heart from attack.
  3. The shoes of the gospel of peace: representing the readiness to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others.
  4. The shield of faith: which enables believers to extinguish the fiery arrows of the evil one, by trusting in God's promises.
  5. The helmet of salvation: representing the assurance of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.
  6. The sword of the Spirit: which is the Word of God, used to defend against spiritual attacks and to proclaim the truth.

Paul urges believers to pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests. He asks them to pray not only for themselves, but also for him, that he may boldly proclaim the gospel as he should.

In closing, Paul sends greetings to the Ephesians and reminds them that Tychicus will give them a report on his circumstances. He concludes with a benediction of grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.