Leviticus 12:1-13:23 is a section of the book of Leviticus that deals with various laws and regulations concerning ritual purity, specifically related to childbirth and skin diseases.
Leviticus 12:1-8 discusses the purification process that a woman must go through after giving birth. She is considered ceremonially unclean for a period of time and must offer a sacrifice at the end of that time in order to be declared clean.
Leviticus 13:1-46 deals with the identification and treatment of various skin diseases, which were seen as a form of ritual impurity. The chapter begins with a description of the signs of leprosy, which include white or red sores on the skin. If someone had such a sore, they were to be examined by a priest, who would determine whether or not it was leprosy. If it was, the person would be declared unclean and isolated from the community until the disease had healed.
Verses 13-23 specifically address the case of boils or inflammations on the skin. If a person had a boil that healed, but left a white or bright spot, they were to be examined by a priest to determine if the spot was a sign of a more serious skin disease, such as leprosy. If the priest determined that it was, the person would be declared unclean and isolated until the disease had healed.
The regulations and rituals described in these verses may seem strange or archaic to modern readers, but they were important in the context of the Israelites' religious and cultural practices. They were designed to promote cleanliness and purity, and to ensure that the community was protected from the spread of contagious diseases.
The sacrifices required were the same for a son or a daughter, showing that God places equal value upon both sexes and that He intends His people to do the same.

Psalm 115 and 116 are two beautiful and important Psalms in the book of Psalms, which are part of the wisdom literature in the Hebrew Bible. Both psalms express the psalmist's deep trust and confidence in God, and the joy and gratitude that comes from experiencing God's faithfulness and deliverance.
Psalm 115 is a song of praise that extols the greatness and power of God, and contrasts it with the weakness and limitations of human idols. The psalm begins by declaring that God alone deserves glory and praise, and that all other gods are powerless and cannot save. The psalmist then affirms his trust in God, and calls on God to bless his people and help them in their time of need.
Throughout the psalm, the psalmist reminds the people of God's faithfulness and goodness, and encourages them to continue to trust and hope in God, even in the face of adversity. The psalm ends with a beautiful affirmation of God's love and faithfulness, and a declaration of the psalmist's commitment to serve and worship God forever.
Psalm 116 is a hymn of thanksgiving that celebrates God's deliverance and salvation. The psalmist begins by declaring his love for the Lord, who has heard his cry for help and saved him from death. The psalmist then recalls his experience of distress and despair, and how he cried out to God in his time of need. He describes how God heard his voice and delivered him from the depths of despair, and how he now experiences a renewed sense of hope and joy.
The psalmist expresses his gratitude and praise to God, and vows to continue to call on God's name and offer sacrifices of thanksgiving. He also encourages others to trust in God and experience the same deliverance and salvation that he has experienced.
Both of these Psalms remind us of the importance of trust and faith in God, even in difficult circumstances. They encourage us to look to God for help and deliverance, and to give thanks and praise to God for his faithfulness and love. They remind us that God is our refuge and strength, and that we can always trust in him, no matter what challenges we may face in life.

Mark 4:21-41 is a passage in the Gospel of Mark that includes several teachings and miracles of Jesus, as well as an account of a powerful storm that Jesus calmed while he and his disciples were in a boat.
In the first part of the passage, Jesus teaches his followers about the importance of letting their light shine before others and not hiding it under a basket. He emphasizes that everything that is hidden will eventually be revealed, and encourages them to listen carefully and learn from his teachings.
 Jesus’ lesson of the lamp, a small clay vessel that burned a wick set in olive oil, is that light reveals what it glows on. Like the lamp, Jesus’ teachings reveal the motives of the human heart.
4:24 To those who hear—who receive God’s Good News—more spiritual truth will be given. A growing believer must be receptive and teachable.
4:25 Whoever has, meaning those who possess spiritual life, will continue to learn and grow. Whoever does not have spiritual life will lose even what little desire for God he or she seems to have.

Next, Jesus tells two parables that illustrate the growth and development of God's kingdom on earth. He compares the kingdom to a seed that is sown in the ground and grows over time, and to a mustard seed that starts small but eventually becomes a large tree that provides shelter and sustenance to many.
Later on, Jesus and his disciples set out on a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. While they are on the water, a great storm arises and threatens to capsize the boat. The disciples are filled with fear, but Jesus rebukes the wind and the waves and calms the storm. He then rebukes his disciples for their lack of faith, asking them why they are so afraid and why they have so little faith in him.
This passage is significant for several reasons. First, it reveals Jesus' power and authority over nature and the forces of the world. It also demonstrates the importance of faith and trust in God, even in the face of great fear and uncertainty. Finally, it emphasizes the need for Jesus' followers to let their light shine in the world, to listen and learn from his teachings, and to work for the growth and development of God's kingdom on earth

Action point
Be pure

Trust and have confidence in God

Be committed to serve and worship God forever.

In times of need, cry out to God

Let your light shine in your home, workplace, everywhere you go

A growing believer must be receptive and teachable

The more you believe and trust God,
the more limitless your possibilities
become for your family, your career,
for your lifel
-Rick Warren

Let your life reflect the
Faith you have in God.
Fear nothing and pray
about everythinq. Be
strong trust God's
word and trust the
— Germany Kent

Faith is not believing in
my own unshakable
belief. Faith is believing
an unshakable God
when everything in me
trembles and quakes.
-Beth Moore

We are told to let our light
shine, and if it does, we won't
need to tell anybody it does.
Lighthouses don't fire cannons
to call attention to their shining,
they just shine.
-Dwight L. Moody


Prayer Point
We extol you in your greatness Dear God
We Ask for Mercy
We pray that our light will shine
We pray against every distraction against our light
Help us
Increase our faith
Help me to be commitment to worship to you