Today’s Bible Reading

March 18

Old Testament I

Exodus 35 

35:20–29 The offerings for the tabernacle are perhaps the most impressive offering ever taken from God’s people for any endeavour! The key was the stirring of the heart and the willingness of the spirit of those who gave. Both men and women gave. Even in this patriarchal time, women participated actively in God’s work. All people came with gifts that were sumptuous, varied, and abundant. At last they had to be told to stop giving (see 36:2–7)!

35:31 filled him with the Spirit of God: See the parallel passage at 31:3. Compare also the comments at 28:3. The special endowment of the Spirit of God in this artisan and in those who worked with him attested to the importance the Lord attached to the aesthetic beauty of the tabernacle. The preparations for building the tabernacle and later the temple foreshadowed the incarnation of the Savior. For it was both in the tabernacle and temple and in the Incarnation that “heaven came down,” that God drew near to His people in saving wonder and divine fellowship.

35:34 The ability to teach is similar to the gift of teaching mentioned by Paul (Rom. 12:7). The same Spirit was at work among His people in the OT period as in the New.

As a Christian whom the Spirit of God dwells inside, the Spirit of excellence is in you. Being a Christian doesn’t mean we should be mediocre or complacent.  If you are confused or "you don't know how to go about it", ask God.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

James 1:5 


Because it’s meant for God doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give Him our best. There are cases where people give little or no attention to the details of the work or what they want to do for God because they believe since it’s for God and it’s willingly, nobody will scold them to do better. Some are working for God the way they wouldn’t work for their earthly client because God is not physically going to scold them.  Just because you are doing free work for God doesn’t mean you shouldn’t give Him your best.

God wants your best.

Old Testament 2

Psalms 87 & 88 

Psalm 87, a psalm of Zion, is also an intensely evangelistic psalm that anticipates the NT mission to present the gospel to the entire world (see Matt. 28:18–20). This psalm is one of the collections from the sons of Korah (Ps. 42; 44–49; 84; 85; 88).

It has three movements:

(1) a description of God’s love for the city of Zion (vv. 1–3);

(2) a description of the citizens of Zion coming from all nations (vv. 4–6); 

(3) a celebration of God’s salvation (v. 7).


Psalm 88 begins as a psalm of lament but never comes to the resolution of trust and praise that is the hallmark of those psalms. Thus Ps. 88 can be considered a psalm of complaint, a development of the lament portion of the psalms of lament. The title ascribes the psalm to the sons of Korah (Ps. 42; 44–49; 84; 85; 87), more specifically to Heman the Ezrahite. Heman is identified in 1 Kin. 4:31 as a gifted wise man, and in 1 Chr. 15:16–19 as one of the musically gifted Levites who ministered in worship during the time of David. The term Ezrahite may mean “native born.” The name of the tune perhaps means “A Dance of Affliction.”

The structure is:

(1) an opening prayer for deliverance (vv. 1, 2);

(2) Heman’s impending death (vv. 3–5);

(3) a complaint about the Lord’s attack on Heman (vv. 6–8);

(4) God’s delay in coming to the aid of Heman (vv. 9–12);

(5) Heman’s desperation as he senses no deliverance from the Lord (vv. 13–18). 

New Testament

Acts 21:1-16

21:8 On the next day we, who were Paul's companions, departed and came to Caesarea, and entered the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, and stayed with him.

21:9 Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied

21:9 four virgin daughters: Here we see a fulfilment of what Peter said in ch. 2 about how young men and women both would be gifted by the Spirit of God to prophesy and proclaim the truth of God.

21:13 Then Paul answered, What do you mean by weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus

21:14 So when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, The will of the Lord be done

21:10–14 Agabus had predicted in 11:27–30 the famine that would fall upon Judea. In response to his prediction, the Gentile believers had collected money for the suffering believers in Jerusalem. Here Agabus predicted Paul’s imprisonment and suffering. The Holy Spirit did not forbid Paul to go to Jerusalem, but warned him of what it would cost him.

21:15, 16 we packed and went up to Jerusalem: Although they had been told repeatedly that Paul would be beaten and arrested in Jerusalem, Paul’s travelling companions continued to travel with him. They would not leave Paul in his moment of crisis. During times of suffering, true friends stick close to provide comfort and assistance

(see Prov. 17:17). Mnason of Cyprus possibly was one of the original 20 mentioned in 1:15.

Action Point

Give willingly for the gospel of Christ

Support the ministry with your resources (time, money, prayer e.t.c)

Excel in life (work, family, church...)

God wants your best

Be Holy


The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavour.

-Vince Lombardi

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.

-Paul J. Meyer

As God's children, we are not to be observers; we're to participate actively in the Lord's work. Spectators sit and watch, but we are called to use our spiritual gifts and serve continually.

-Charles Stanley

Prayer Points

prayer of thanks for God's love

prayer of forgiveness

pray for the power Holy Spirit

pray  for the blessing of God

prayer for deliverance

pray for the fulfilment of God's promises

pray that the will of God be done in your life
