Today’s Bible Reading

July 31

Old Testament I
1 Samuel 3
1 Samuel 3 tells the story of how the young Samuel received his call from God to become a prophet. At the time, the word of the Lord was rare and visions were infrequent. Samuel was serving as an apprentice to the high priest, Eli, when he heard a voice calling his name in the night. Thinking it was Eli, Samuel ran to him, but Eli had not called him. This happened three times, and on the third occasion, Eli realized that it was God who was calling Samuel.

Eli instructed Samuel to respond to the voice with the words, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." When God called Samuel again, Samuel responded as instructed, and God spoke to him, giving him a message of judgment against Eli and his sons for their corrupt behavior.

Samuel was hesitant to deliver this message to Eli, but eventually, he told him everything that God had said. Eli accepted the judgment as being from God and told Samuel to let God do what he deemed right. From that day forward, Samuel became known throughout Israel as a prophet of the Lord, and the Lord continued to reveal himself to Samuel in Shiloh.

The story of Samuel's call demonstrates the importance of listening for God's voice and responding when he speaks. It also illustrates how God can use even the youngest and seemingly least significant of people to carry out his plans and purposes.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 46
Isaiah 46 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Isaiah that contains a prophecy about the fall of Babylon and the sovereignty of God. The chapter begins with a description of Babylon's gods and idols being carried away on animals and carts, unable to save themselves. In contrast, God reminds the people of Israel that He has carried them since their birth and will continue to do so in the future.

God also reminds the people of His power and sovereignty, declaring that He alone is God and there is none like Him. He challenges the people to look to the past and see that He has always been there for them, and will continue to be there in the future.

The chapter ends with a call to trust in God and not idols, as He alone can save and deliver. It also includes a warning to Babylon and those who trust in their own strength, that they will ultimately fall and be destroyed.

Overall, the chapter emphasizes the supremacy of God and the importance of putting our trust in Him, rather than relying on false idols or our own strength.

New Testament
2 Corinthians 6:11 - 7:16
2 Corinthians 6:11-7:16 is a section of the Bible where the apostle Paul is writing to the church in Corinth. In this passage, he expresses his love for the Corinthians and urges them to reconcile with him and with God.

Paul begins by saying that he has been very open with the Corinthians and has shared his heart with them. He urges them not to be closed off to him or to the message of the gospel. He then goes on to list some of the hardships he has faced in his ministry, including persecution, suffering, and imprisonment. Despite these difficulties, Paul remains steadfast in his faith and continues to preach the gospel.

In chapter 7, Paul turns his attention to the Corinthians themselves. He encourages them to purify themselves and to turn away from sin. He reminds them that God has called them to be a holy people and that they should live accordingly. He also urges them to reconcile with him, as he desires to have a close relationship with them.

Paul ends this section by expressing his joy and thankfulness that the Corinthians have responded positively to his message. He encourages them to continue to grow in their faith and to be obedient to God's call on their lives.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the importance of openness, perseverance, and reconciliation in the Christian life. It also highlights the love and concern that Paul had for the Corinthians and the importance of relationships in the body of Christ.