Today’s Bible Reading

November 7

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 22, 23
First Chronicles 22 begins with King David preparing to build a temple for the Lord. He gathers materials and resources, including cedar wood and gold, and encourages his son Solomon to take on the task after his death. David also prays to God for Solomon's success and for the people of Israel to remain faithful to Him.

In chapter 23, David organizes the Levites into various roles and responsibilities for the service of the temple. He appoints his son, Solomon, as the leader of this effort, charging him to oversee the building of the temple and the worship within it. David also numbers the Levites and assigns them duties such as offering sacrifices, leading worship, and assisting the priests.

Additionally, David divides the Levites into three groups: the Gershonites, the Kohathites, and the Merarites. Each group is assigned specific tasks related to the maintenance and service of the temple. David emphasizes the importance of these roles and how they are integral to the worship of God.

Overall, these chapters demonstrate David's dedication to building a temple for the Lord and his desire to ensure that the Levites are organized and prepared for their roles in the service of God. It also highlights the importance of worship and obedience to God in the life of the Israelites.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 20:45 - 21:32
Ezekiel 20:45-21:32 contains a prophecy concerning the judgment of Judah and Jerusalem. The passage begins with God addressing Ezekiel and telling him to turn his face towards the south and preach against it. God then declares that He will bring a sword against the land of Israel and will cut off both the righteous and the wicked.

The prophecy describes the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the exile of the people of Judah. The passage contains vivid imagery, such as the flashing sword, the glittering spear, and the consuming fire. The destruction is described as a judgment from God for the people's sins and their idolatry.

God declares that He will bring an end to the false prophets who have misled the people, and that He Himself will be their judge. He tells Ezekiel to prophesy against the Ammonites, who had rejoiced over the fall of Jerusalem, and predicts that they too will be judged.

The passage concludes with a warning to the people of Judah to repent and turn away from their sins, lest they face the same judgment that is coming upon them. The message is clear: the people must turn back to God, or they will face the consequences of their actions.

New Testament
John 7:31 - 8:11
John 7:31-8:11 tells the story of a confrontation between Jesus and the religious leaders of his time. The section begins with a discussion among the people about whether Jesus could be the Messiah. Some believe he is, while others are skeptical.

As the debate continues, the Pharisees and chief priests send officers to arrest Jesus. However, when they hear him speak, they are overcome by his teachings and do not arrest him. The Pharisees then accuse the officers of being deceived and ask if any of them believe in Jesus.

The story then shifts to a woman who was caught in the act of adultery. The scribes and Pharisees bring her to Jesus and ask if she should be stoned according to the law of Moses. Jesus responds by saying that whoever is without sin should cast the first stone. One by one, the accusers leave until only Jesus and the woman remain.

Jesus then tells the woman that he does not condemn her and instructs her to go and sin no more. This encounter demonstrates Jesus' mercy and compassion, as well as his willingness to challenge the religious establishment.

Overall, John 7:31-8:11 highlights the tension between Jesus and the religious leaders of his time, as well as Jesus' message of forgiveness and redemption.