Numbers 22:1-38
Numbers 22:1-38 tells the story of Balaam, a non-Israelite prophet, who is asked by Balak, the king of Moab, to curse the Israelites who are camped nearby. Balaam is initially hesitant to comply with Balak's request, but ultimately agrees to go with Balak's messengers to meet him.

Along the way, Balaam's donkey sees an angel blocking their path and refuses to move, causing Balaam to beat the animal. After three instances of this happening, the donkey miraculously speaks to Balaam and explains the reason for its behavior.

When Balaam finally meets with Balak, he is unable to curse the Israelites, as God has put a blessing in his mouth instead. This happens three times, and each time, Balaam blesses the Israelites, much to Balak's frustration.

In the end, Balaam warns Balak that he cannot curse the people whom God has blessed, and returns home. However, later in the book of Numbers, Balaam is portrayed as advising the Midianites on how to defeat the Israelites through seduction and idolatry, for which he is ultimately put to death.

Proverbs 19
Proverbs 19 highlights the importance of living a wise and righteous life. The chapter starts by emphasizing the value of honesty and integrity, and warns against the consequences of deceit and wickedness. It also encourages the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, and emphasizes the importance of having a teachable spirit.

The chapter also highlights the value of hard work and diligence, and the dangers of laziness and idleness. It warns against the love of money and the pursuit of material possessions, which can lead to ruin and destruction.

Additionally, Proverbs 19 emphasizes the importance of relationships, including the importance of choosing trustworthy friends and avoiding those who are divisive or deceitful. It also warns against the dangers of anger and the need for self-control and forgiveness.

Overall, Proverbs 19 encourages a life of wisdom and righteousness, and warns against the consequences of foolishness and wickedness. It reminds us that our choices have real consequences, both in this life and in the next.

James 5
James 5 teaches about the importance of patience, the dangers of wealth and greed, and the power of prayer. It begins by warning wealthy oppressors who have taken advantage of poor workers that their wealth will be of no use to them on the day of judgment. James encourages the believers to be patient in the face of suffering, pointing to the examples of the prophets and Job as models of perseverance. He also urges them to be honest in their speech and to avoid oaths, as they are not necessary for truthful communication.

James emphasizes the power of prayer, calling on the sick to call on the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil. He reminds the believers that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. He ends the letter by urging believers to be vigilant in their faith, to help bring back those who have strayed, and to avoid falling into sin themselves.