Today’s Bible Reading

March 25

Old Testament I
Leviticus 2 

Leviticus 2 lays out the regulations for the offering of grain offerings to the Lord. The chapter specifies that grain offerings may be made of fine flour, either mixed with oil and incense or baked into cakes. The offering is to be seasoned with salt, and no yeast or honey is to be included in the offering.

The grain offering was a common form of worship in ancient Israel, and it served as a way for the offerer to show gratitude to the Lord and to seek his favor. The regulations in Leviticus 2 emphasize the importance of offering the grain offering in a proper and acceptable manner, as it was meant to be a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

The grain offering also symbolizes the offerer's commitment to a life of devotion and service to the Lord. By offering a portion of their crops, the offerer was expressing their trust in the Lord's provision and their willingness to give back to him a portion of what he had given them.

It is worth noting that in the New Testament, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is seen as the ultimate sacrifice for sin, and as a result, the regulations regarding grain offerings in Leviticus 2 are no longer practiced in many Christian denominations. Nevertheless, the principles of sacrifice and gratitude found in this chapter continue to hold significance for many Christians, and the chapter remains an important part of the biblical narrative and a source of spiritual insight.

Old Testament II
Psalms 99, 100, 101

Psalms 99, 100, and 101 are three psalms of praise to the Lord. Each psalm emphasizes the Lord's sovereignty and greatness, and calls on the reader to give him worship and thanksgiving.

Psalm 99 begins with a declaration of the Lord's reign over all the earth, and it calls on all the nations to worship him in awe and reverence. The psalm highlights the Lord's holiness and justice, and it emphasizes his role as the judge of all the earth.

Psalm 100 is a joyful expression of gratitude to the Lord for his faithfulness and goodness. The psalm calls on all people to give thanks to the Lord and to enter his courts with songs of praise. The psalm emphasizes the Lord's tender care for his people, and it reminds us that we are his sheep and that we belong to him.

Psalm 101 is a personal expression of commitment to a life of integrity and devotion to the Lord. The psalm describes the psalmist's resolve to live a life of righteousness and to avoid all wickedness and deceit. The psalm also expresses a desire for the Lord's justice to prevail in the land, and it calls on the Lord to act in defense of the righteous and to bring down the wicked.

Together, these psalms offer a powerful reminder of the Lord's greatness, holiness, and goodness, and they call on the reader to respond with worship, gratitude, and devotion. They offer a message of hope and comfort to those who trust in the Lord, and they inspire us to live lives that honor and glorify him.

New Testament
Acts 25:23 - 26:11

Acts 25:23 - 26:11 describes Paul's defense before King Agrippa. Festus, the Roman governor, presents Paul's case to King Agrippa and Bernice, hoping that the king might be able to provide some insight into the charges against Paul. In verses 23-27, Paul begins his defense by speaking to King Agrippa about his background as a Pharisee and his commitment to following the Jewish law.

In verses 28-32, Paul explains that he has been accused by the Jews of violating their law and of trying to desecrate the temple. He denies these accusations and insists that his only crime is his belief in the resurrection of the dead, which the Jews consider a blasphemy.

In verses 33-38, King Agrippa challenges Paul, asking if he thinks that he is going to persuade him to become a Christian. Paul responds by saying that he is not trying to persuade the king, but rather he is sharing the truth that he believes with sincerity and with the help of the Holy Spirit.

In chapters 26:1-11, Paul continues his defense before King Agrippa, recounting his conversion experience. He explains how he was on the road to Damascus to persecute Christians when he was suddenly struck blind and heard the voice of Jesus speaking to him. Paul goes on to describe how Jesus commissioned him to be his apostle to the Gentiles and how he has been spreading the gospel ever since.

This passage provides insight into Paul's life and ministry, and it demonstrates his unwavering commitment to his faith and his calling. The defense before King Agrippa is a testament to Paul's bravery in the face of persecution and to his willingness to share the gospel with anyone who will listen. It is also a reminder of the importance of being bold and courageous in our own witness for Christ, and of the transforming power of the gospel to change lives.

Action Point

  • accept Jesus Christ into your life

  • make praising God a habit

  • abstain from wickedness

  • preach the gospel of christ to the world


If the Lord should bring a wicked man to heaven, heaven would be hell to him; for he who loves not grace upon earth will never love it in heaven

-Christopher Love

The giving of riches and honours to a wicked man is like giving strong wine to him that hath a fever.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

-Edmund Burke

The pit of a theatre is the one place where the tears of virtuous and wicked men alike are mingled.

-Denis Diderot

Prayer Points

  • thank God for coming to die for your sins

  • thank God for always answering your prayers

  • thank God for being God

  • thank God for the hope of salvation

  • thank God for the hope of reigning with Him

  • pray for forgiveness of sin and ask for mercy

  • pray that the life, death & resurrection of Jesus Christ will not be vain in your life

  • pray for the power of Holy Spirit

  • pray for blessing

  • pray for those that are yet to believe in Jesus Christ

  • thank God for answering your prayers
