Today’s Bible Reading

April 1

Old Testament I
Leviticus 8 

Leviticus 8 describes the consecration of Aaron and his sons as priests in the presence of the entire congregation of Israel.

The chapter begins with God commanding Moses to gather Aaron and his sons, along with the required sacrificial offerings, to the entrance of the tabernacle. Moses then bathes Aaron and his sons, dresses them in the priestly garments, and anoints them with oil.

Next, the sacrificial offerings are presented, including a bull for a sin offering and a ram for a burnt offering. Aaron and his sons lay their hands on the bull, signifying the transfer of their sins to the animal, which is then sacrificed.

The ram is then offered, and its blood is used to consecrate the priests and their garments. The rest of the ram is then burnt on the altar.

Finally, Moses takes some of the anointing oil and sprinkles it on the tabernacle, the altar, and all the priestly utensils, thus consecrating them as well.

The chapter concludes with the completion of the seven-day consecration period, during which Aaron and his sons remained in the tabernacle.

Old Testament II
Psalms 108

Psalm 108 is a prayer of praise and thanksgiving that emphasizes the sovereignty and faithfulness of God. It is attributed to David and may have been written to commemorate a military victory or other triumph.

The psalm is divided into two parts, with the first half (verses 1-5) focusing on praise and the second half (verses 6-13) on petition.

In the first half, David begins by expressing his determination to praise God with his whole being, including his heart, soul, and voice. He declares that God's love is higher than the heavens and his faithfulness reaches to the skies. David then calls on the nations to join him in singing God's praises, declaring that even in the midst of trouble and conflict, God's steadfast love will prevail.

In the second half, David asks God to intervene in his current situation and defeat his enemies. He acknowledges that victory ultimately comes from God and not from human strength or power. David concludes by declaring his confidence in God's help and his determination to give thanks and sing praises to God among the nations.

Overall, Psalm 108 is a powerful expression of trust in God's sovereignty and faithfulness, even in the face of difficulty and opposition. It encourages us to praise God for who he is and what he has done, and to trust in his unfailing love and help in all circumstances.

New Testament
Mark 2:1-22
Mark 2:1-22 records several events in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ, including the healing of a paralytic, the calling of Levi (Matthew) as a disciple, and a discussion about fasting.

The chapter begins with Jesus preaching in a crowded house in Capernaum. Some men brought a paralytic to Jesus, but because of the crowd, they were unable to get him in front of Jesus. So they went up to the roof, removed some tiles, and lowered the man down on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus forgave the man's sins, which upset the scribes who were present, as only God can forgive sins. Jesus then healed the man of his paralysis to show that he had the authority to forgive sins.

Jesus then calls Levi (Matthew), a tax collector, to follow him. Levi leaves everything and follows Jesus, and the two of them have a meal with other tax collectors and sinners. The Pharisees question why Jesus is eating with sinners, and Jesus replies that he has come to call sinners to repentance. Likewise, we should learn how to develop and build a relationship that will give us precedence to reach out to sinners. We have to be careful though not to be lured away in the process. But Jesus act here teaches us not to stigmatize or judge sinners from afar at least.

Finally, the topic of fasting is discussed. The Pharisees and John's disciples fast regularly, but Jesus and his disciples do not. Jesus explains that while his disciples will fast after he is taken from them, it is not appropriate to fast during a time of celebration, such as when the bridegroom is with his friends.

Overall, this passage emphasizes Jesus' authority to forgive sins and his willingness to call and dine with sinners (for the purpose of repentance). It also addresses the topic of fasting and the newness of Jesus' ministry.

Make Praising God a habit
Make fasting a habit
trust in God unfailing love and help in all circumstances.

Fasting is a grace that significantly increases our receptivity to the Lord's voice and His Word.
-Mike bickle

Christian fasting, at its root, is the hunger of a homesickness for God
John piper

The highest form Of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless.

-Billy Graham

When people pray and fast, there's an increase of Holy Spirit activity. That's a fact
Mike bickle

Prayer Points
I thank you for forgiving me my sins
Thank you for your unfailing love
Have mercy on me
Give me the grace to preach the gospel
Give me the grace to pray and fast without ceasing
Help me