Today’s Bible Reading

November 1

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 13, 14
1 Chronicles 13 begins with David consulting with the leaders of Israel and proposing that they bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. The people agree, and they set out to transport the Ark on a new cart, with Uzzah and Ahio driving the cart. However, as they were traveling, the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark, which was against the law. God struck him down, and David became angry and afraid, so he left the Ark in the house of Obed-Edom.

In 1 Chronicles 14, David establishes his kingdom and takes more wives and concubines. He also defeats the Philistines and gains more wealth and fame. The chapter describes several battles and victories, including David's capture of the Philistine stronghold of Gath. Throughout these victories, David acknowledges God's role in his success and seeks His guidance and approval. The chapter ends with a brief summary of David's reign and his many accomplishments.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 14, 15
Ezekiel 14 and 15 both contain messages from God to the people of Israel, focusing on their continued disobedience and idolatry.

In Ezekiel 14, God responds to the elders of Israel who came to inquire of Him, revealing that they have set up idols in their hearts and are therefore far from Him. God declares that He will judge them for their sins, but also provides a glimmer of hope for those who repent and turn away from their idols.

Ezekiel 15 continues this theme, using the analogy of a useless vine to represent the people of Israel who have forsaken God. The vine cannot be used for any purpose, and thus is cut off and burned. Similarly, God declares that those who continue in their idolatry and disobedience will be punished and destroyed. However, God also offers a way out for those who repent and turn back to Him.

Overall, these chapters serve as a warning to the people of Israel to turn away from their sins and return to God before it is too late. They highlight the importance of true repentance and obedience, and the consequences of continuing in rebellion against God.

New Testament
John 5:1-23
John 5:1-23 describes an encounter between Jesus and a man who had been an invalid for 38 years, as well as Jesus' subsequent interaction with Jewish leaders.

The passage begins with Jesus visiting the pool of Bethesda, where many sick and disabled people gathered in hopes of being healed. Jesus saw the man who had been an invalid for 38 years and asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man replied that he had no one to help him into the pool when the water was stirred up, which was believed to have healing powers. Jesus then healed the man, and he was able to walk.

This miracle happened on the Sabbath, which angered the Jewish leaders. They accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath by healing on that day. Jesus responded by saying that he was doing the work of his Father, and that he had authority over the Sabbath.

Jesus went on to speak about his relationship with God, saying that he was equal with God and that he could do nothing apart from him. He spoke of his power to raise the dead and judge the living and the dead.

The Jewish leaders were outraged by Jesus' words, and they began to plot against him. But Jesus continued to assert his authority and identity as the Son of God.

Overall, the passage highlights Jesus' power and authority as well as the opposition he faced from Jewish leaders. It also emphasizes the importance of faith in Jesus as the Son of God.