Today’s Bible Reading

November 9

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 26, 27
1 Chronicles 26 begins by listing the divisions of gatekeepers who were responsible for guarding the entrances to the temple. These gatekeepers were divided into different groups according to their duties, and they served in rotation. The chapter also mentions the sons of Obed-Edom, who were gatekeepers and had become a prominent family in Israel.

Chapter 27 then lists the divisions of Israel's army, with each division consisting of 24,000 soldiers. The chapter also mentions the commanders of each division and the monthly rotation of troops. The chapter goes on to list the leaders of the tribes of Israel and their responsibilities, including those who were in charge of the king's treasuries, fields, vineyards, and herds.

Overall, 1 Chronicles 26 and 27 provide a detailed account of the organization and leadership structure of Israel's temple guards and army, as well as the various administrative responsibilities of the leaders of the tribes of Israel. The chapter emphasizes the importance of order, discipline, and the proper distribution of responsibilities in the service of God and the nation.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 23
Ezekiel 23 is a lengthy and vivid allegory that uses the metaphor of two sisters, Aholah and Aholibah, to represent Israel and Judah, respectively. The chapter is a powerful indictment of their spiritual infidelity, as they have turned away from the Lord and instead embraced the idolatrous practices of neighboring nations.

The chapter begins with the Lord instructing Ezekiel to recount the story of the two sisters, who were born in Egypt and later married to the Lord. Despite the Lord's love and blessings, the sisters committed adultery and whoredom, engaging in sexual relations with other gods and idols.

Aholah, or Samaria, is portrayed as the elder sister who was unfaithful with the Assyrians. She was punished for her infidelity and was destroyed by the Assyrians. Aholibah, or Jerusalem, the younger sister, was even more unfaithful than her sister. She engaged in idol worship and prostitution with the Babylonians, and her punishment will be even greater than that of Aholah.

Ezekiel vividly describes the sisters' sins and their consequences, including the Lord's anger and judgment. The chapter concludes with a warning that the same fate awaits those who continue to reject the Lord and embrace idolatry.

Overall, Ezekiel 23 serves as a powerful reminder of the Lord's expectations for his people and the consequences of disobedience. It highlights the need for repentance and a return to faithful worship of the Lord.

New Testament
John 8:31-59
In John 8:31-59, Jesus is speaking to a group of Jews who believed in Him. He tells them that if they abide in His word, they are truly His disciples and will know the truth, which will set them free. The Jews respond that they are Abraham's descendants and have never been enslaved to anyone, so they do not need to be set free. Jesus clarifies that He is speaking of spiritual freedom from sin, not physical freedom from slavery.

Jesus then tells them that whoever commits sin is a slave to sin and that only the Son can set them free. The Jews become angry and claim that they are not slaves and that Abraham is their father. Jesus rebukes them, saying that if Abraham were truly their father, they would do the works of Abraham. Instead, they are seeking to kill Him, which is the work of their true father, the devil.

The Jews accuse Jesus of being demon-possessed, but Jesus points out that He is the one who honors the Father and that they dishonor Him. He says that if anyone keeps His word, they will never see death. The Jews become even more angry and accuse Jesus of being greater than Abraham and the prophets who all died. Jesus replies that Abraham rejoiced to see His day and that He existed before Abraham.

The Jews pick up stones to stone Him, but Jesus escapes. In this passage, Jesus emphasizes the importance of abiding in His word, the reality of spiritual slavery to sin, and the need for spiritual freedom through the Son. He also reveals His divine nature and the rejection He will face from the Jews.