Today’s Bible Reading

November 17

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 8, 9
2 Chronicles 8:

This chapter describes the continuation of King Solomon's building projects. He rebuilt several cities and fortified others. He also built the palace of the daughter of Pharaoh, whom he had married. Solomon also continued to offer sacrifices at the temple, and he appointed Levites to assist with the work there. Additionally, Solomon established a navy and sent ships to trade with other nations.

2 Chronicles 9:

This chapter describes the visit of the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon. She had heard of his wisdom and prosperity and came to test him with hard questions. Solomon was able to answer all of her questions and impressed her with his wealth and wisdom. She gave him gifts and praised God for his wisdom and the prosperity of his people. The chapter also describes Solomon's wealth, including the gold and other precious materials he had collected, and his reign as a time of peace and prosperity for Israel. However, it also mentions that he married many foreign women, who eventually led him astray from following God.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 33
Ezekiel 33 begins with God commanding Ezekiel to be a watchman for Israel, to warn the people of impending danger and judgment. If Ezekiel fails to warn the people and they are destroyed, their blood will be on his hands. However, if he faithfully warns them and they do not repent, their blood will be on their own hands.

God then speaks of the importance of repentance, urging the people to turn from their sinful ways and live. He reminds them that their past sins will not be remembered if they repent and turn to Him.

The chapter also addresses the issue of the righteous and the wicked. The wicked may repent and turn to God, and their past sins will not be remembered. However, if the righteous turn away from God and start to sin, their past righteousness will not be remembered.

God also speaks of His desire for the people to live and not die, and His willingness to forgive them if they repent. He emphasizes that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather in their repentance and salvation.

Finally, Ezekiel speaks of the fall of Jerusalem, and how the people will know that he is a true prophet when his words come to pass. Despite the destruction and devastation that is to come, God promises to restore the people and make Jerusalem a prosperous and thriving city once again.

New Testament
John 12:20-50
In John 12:20-50, Jesus is approached by Greeks who are seeking to see him. Jesus uses this opportunity to speak about his impending death and glorification, declaring that "unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit" (verse 24). He then invites all who hear him to follow him and promises that whoever serves him will be honored by the Father.

Jesus also speaks about the judgment that is to come, saying that he did not come to judge the world, but to save it. He states that those who reject him and his message will be judged by his word on the last day.

In response to Jesus' teaching, some of the people believe in him, while others continue to reject him. The Pharisees are particularly opposed to him and fear that his popularity will cause them to lose their power and influence. Despite this opposition, Jesus continues to teach and perform miracles, knowing that his time on earth is short.

In summary, John 12:20-50 contains teachings about Jesus' impending death and glorification, the judgment that is to come, and the importance of following him. It also highlights the division that exists among the people, with some accepting Jesus and others rejecting him.