Today’s Bible Reading

July 3

Old Testament I
Joshua 18, 19
Joshua 18 and 19 describe the division of the land of Canaan among the remaining seven tribes of Israel after the initial division to the tribes of Judah, Ephraim, and the half-tribe of Manasseh.

In Joshua 18, the tabernacle of the Lord was set up at Shiloh, and Joshua instructed the remaining seven tribes to survey the land and bring their report to him. The land was then divided into seven portions by lot, and the territories were assigned to the remaining seven tribes, namely Benjamin, Simeon, Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, and Dan.

In Joshua 19, the territories of each of the remaining tribes were described in detail. The tribe of Simeon was given a portion within the territory of Judah, and the tribe of Dan was given a portion in the far north. The other five tribes were given territories in the middle portion of Canaan.

Overall, the chapter emphasizes the faithfulness of God in fulfilling his promises to the Israelites by giving them the land of Canaan, as well as the importance of obedience and faithfulness on the part of the Israelites in following God's commands.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 13
Isaiah 13 is a prophecy against Babylon, a powerful nation that oppressed God's people. The chapter begins with a call to raise a banner on a barren hill, which is a sign of impending destruction. God's armies are summoned to destroy Babylon and to execute His judgment against them.

Isaiah describes Babylon as a proud and arrogant nation, which is confident in its strength and wealth. However, God declares that He will bring them down and make them a desolation. The destruction of Babylon will be swift and thorough, leaving no survivors.

Isaiah 13 also speaks of the horrors of war and the devastating effects it has on people's lives. The chapter describes how Babylon will become a wasteland, where wild animals will roam freely and where no one will live.

Despite Babylon's power and wealth, Isaiah reminds us that no nation is greater than God. The chapter ends with a promise of hope for God's people, as they are reassured that God will restore their land and bless them once again.

Overall, Isaiah 13 serves as a warning against pride, arrogance, and oppression, and it reminds us of God's ultimate power and sovereignty.

New Testament
1 Thessalonians 4
1 Thessalonians 4 is a chapter in the New Testament that contains important teachings about the Christian life, particularly in the area of personal holiness and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Here is a brief summary of the chapter:

The importance of living a holy life (verses 1-8)
In this section, Paul emphasizes the need for believers to live a life that is pleasing to God. He specifically mentions sexual immorality and urges believers to abstain from it, reminding them that God has called them to holiness and that those who reject this teaching are rejecting God.

The importance of loving one another (verses 9-12)
Paul then encourages the Thessalonian believers to continue to love one another and to live in peace with each other. He also urges them to work hard and to live a quiet life, so as not to be a burden to others.

The hope of the second coming of Jesus (verses 13-18)
In this final section of the chapter, Paul addresses the question of what will happen to believers who have died before the second coming of Jesus. He assures the Thessalonians that those who have died in Christ will rise again and will be reunited with him when he returns. He also encourages them to comfort one another with these words and to remain alert and ready for the Lord's return.

Overall, 1 Thessalonians 4 emphasizes the importance of personal holiness and the need to live a life that is pleasing to God. It also encourages believers to love one another and to be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ.