Today’s Bible Reading

November 19

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 12, 13
2 Chronicles 12 recounts the story of Rehoboam, the son of King Solomon, who became king of Judah after his father's death. Rehoboam initially followed the ways of the Lord, but in his fifth year as king, he and his people turned away from the Lord and began to worship idols.

As a result, God allowed the king of Egypt to attack and conquer Judah. The Egyptian army plundered the Temple and the king's palace, taking away many of the treasures that Solomon had amassed. Rehoboam and the people of Judah repented, and God showed them mercy by preventing the Egyptians from completely destroying them.

2 Chronicles 13 tells the story of Abijah, the son of Rehoboam, who became king of Judah after his father's death. Abijah was a righteous king who followed the ways of the Lord, but his kingdom was constantly at war with the northern kingdom of Israel, ruled by Jeroboam.

In a great battle between Judah and Israel, Abijah delivered a powerful speech to the armies of Israel, reminding them that Judah had the support of the Lord, while Israel had turned away from Him. The Lord granted victory to Abijah and the army of Judah, and they defeated Israel, killing 500,000 of their soldiers.

The story of Abijah highlights the importance of remaining faithful to the Lord and the blessings that come from following His ways. It also demonstrates the consequences of turning away from God and the importance of repentance and seeking His forgiveness.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 35:1 - 36:15
Ezekiel 35:1-36:15 contains two distinct prophecies: one against the nation of Edom and one for the restoration of the land of Israel.

In the first prophecy against Edom, God speaks through Ezekiel and declares judgment on the people of Edom for their malicious attitude towards Israel. Edom had taken advantage of Israel's weakness during their captivity and had rejoiced over their downfall. God promises to bring vengeance upon them, and their land will become desolate and uninhabited. The Lord declares that He will restore His people and their land, and that they will once again dwell in safety and prosperity.

In the second prophecy, God speaks of the restoration of the land of Israel. The Lord promises to bring His people back to the land, which had been taken from them because of their sin. God will cleanse the land of its defilement and bring back the fruitfulness that it once had. The Lord declares that He will make the land prosperous and that the people will increase in number. He will also give them a new heart, and put His Spirit within them, so that they will walk in His ways and keep His commandments.

Overall, Ezekiel 35:1-36:15 emphasizes the justice of God and His faithfulness to His promises. The Lord will punish those who oppose His people and restore them to their rightful place in the land. The restoration of the land of Israel is not only physical but spiritual as well, as God promises to give His people a new heart and put His Spirit within them.

New Testament
John 13:31 - 14:14
John 13:31-14:14 contains Jesus' final instructions to His disciples before His arrest, trial, and crucifixion. In this passage, Jesus speaks about His imminent departure from the world and promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort His followers.

In John 13:31-35, Jesus speaks to His disciples about His glorification and emphasizes the importance of love among His followers. He tells them that people will know they are His disciples by their love for one another.

In John 13:36-38, Peter asks Jesus where He is going, but Jesus tells him that he cannot follow Him now but will follow Him later. Peter insists that he will lay down his life for Jesus, but Jesus predicts that Peter will deny Him three times before the rooster crows.

In John 14:1-6, Jesus comforts His disciples by telling them not to be troubled because He is going to prepare a place for them in heaven. He emphasizes that He is the only way to the Father and that belief in Him is essential for eternal life.

In John 14:7-11, Jesus tells His disciples that He is the manifestation of the Father, and that those who have seen Him have seen the Father. He emphasizes the unity between Himself and the Father and promises that those who believe in Him will do greater works than He did.

In John 14:12-14, Jesus promises that those who believe in Him will have the power to perform miracles and that they can ask for anything in His name, and it will be given to them. He emphasizes the importance of prayer and the power of faith in Him.

Overall, this passage shows Jesus' deep love and concern for His disciples, even as He prepares to leave them. He emphasizes the importance of love, faith, and belief in Him as essential for eternal life and promises to send the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort His followers.