Today’s Bible Reading

July 13

Old Testament I
Judges 6
Judges 6 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Judges that tells the story of Gideon, one of the judges that God raised up to deliver Israel from their oppressors.

The chapter begins by describing how the Israelites had once again turned away from God and had begun worshiping idols. As a result, God allowed the Midianites to oppress them for seven years. The Midianites were a nomadic people who would invade Israel each year, destroy their crops and livestock, and take their possessions.

One day, while Gideon was threshing wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites, the angel of the Lord appeared to him and greeted him as a "mighty warrior." The angel told Gideon that God had chosen him to deliver Israel from the Midianites. Gideon was initially skeptical and doubted his own ability to lead such a mission.

To prove that the message was from God, the angel instructed Gideon to offer a sacrifice on an altar using a second bull that he was to take from his father's herd. Gideon did as he was instructed, and the angel of the Lord touched the sacrifice with his staff, causing it to burst into flames.

After this miraculous sign, Gideon gathered an army of 32,000 men to face the Midianites. However, God instructed Gideon to reduce the size of his army to only 300 men. Gideon obeyed, and God promised to deliver the Midianites into their hands.

Gideon and his men then approached the Midianite camp at night, carrying torches and blowing trumpets. They shouted a battle cry and broke their jars, revealing the torches and creating confusion and panic among the Midianites. The Midianites fled, and Gideon and his men pursued them and defeated them.

After the victory, the Israelites wanted to make Gideon their king, but Gideon refused, saying that only God was their king. However, Gideon did take gold from the spoils of war and made an ephod, which became a snare to him and his family.

Overall, Judges 6 tells the story of how God chose Gideon, a hesitant and doubtful man, to lead Israel to victory over their oppressors, and how Gideon obeyed God and was able to defeat the Midianites with only a small army.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 27
Isaiah 27 is a chapter in the Bible's Old Testament that focuses on the restoration of God's people and the punishment of their enemies. The chapter begins with a depiction of the Lord's judgment on Leviathan, a symbol of chaos and evil, and the destruction of its power. This victory over Leviathan represents God's triumph over evil and the promise of redemption for his people.

Isaiah 27 then describes how God will care for his people, using the metaphor of a vineyard. Just as a vineyard must be tended and pruned to produce good fruit, God will care for his people and remove anything that hinders their growth. The chapter also speaks of God's judgment on his people's enemies, promising that they will be defeated and punished for their wickedness.

The chapter concludes with a call to worship the Lord and trust in his power to save. It encourages God's people to rely on him, even in times of trouble, and to have faith that he will keep his promises and bring them into a place of peace and prosperity.

New Testament
1 Corinthians 6
First Corinthians chapter 6 contains a continuation of Paul's teaching on how the Corinthian believers should handle disputes among themselves. He addresses the issue of believers taking each other to court instead of resolving conflicts within the church. Paul emphasizes that Christians should be able to resolve their differences without resorting to worldly courts.

Paul also addresses sexual immorality in the church. He reminds the Corinthians that their bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that they should honor God with their bodies. He specifically mentions the sin of fornication and urges believers to flee from sexual immorality.

Paul then reminds the Corinthians that they have been bought with a price, and therefore should not belong to themselves but to God. He encourages them to glorify God in their bodies and spirits, which belong to Him.

In conclusion, Paul emphasizes the importance of avoiding sexual immorality and settling disputes within the church, rather than turning to worldly courts. He reminds the Corinthians that they are temples of the Holy Spirit and encourages them to honor God with their bodies.