Today’s Bible Reading

March 29

Old Testament I
Leviticus 5:14 - 6:7 

The section of Leviticus 5:14 - 6:7 deals with the laws of the guilt offering in ancient Israel. In these verses, the Lord gives instructions to the Israelites on how to make atonement for certain sins, such as when they have taken an oath or have sinned unintentionally through ignorance.

Leviticus 5:14-16 outlines the procedure for making a guilt offering when a person has taken an oath and later realizes that they have either not fulfilled their promise or have pledged something that is not theirs. In this case, they must bring a guilt offering to the Lord, which is specified as either a female lamb or goat, or two turtledoves or pigeons, as a symbol of their remorse and to make atonement for their sin.

In Leviticus 6:1-7, the Lord gives instructions for how to make atonement for sins committed unintentionally. If a person sins in this way, they must bring a guilt offering to the Lord, which is again specified as either a female lamb or goat, or two turtledoves or pigeons. This offering serves as a reminder to the person of their sin, and as a symbol of their remorse and commitment to making things right.

Overall, these verses serve as a reminder of the importance of being honest and truthful in all of our dealings, and of the need for atonement when we fall short. They also demonstrate the Lord's mercy and willingness to forgive those who come to him with a contrite heart, seeking to make things right.

Old Testament II
Psalms 105

Psalm 105 is a hymn of thanksgiving and remembrance of the Lord's faithfulness to his people, Israel. The psalmist invites the Israelites to recall the Lord's great deeds and to give thanks for his constant care and protection.

The psalm begins with a call to give thanks to the Lord and to sing his praises (verses 1-2). The psalmist then recounts some of the key events in the history of Israel, starting with the Lord's call to Abraham (verses 6-12). He reminds the Israelites of the Lord's faithfulness in bringing them out of slavery in Egypt and providing for them in the wilderness (verses 37-45).

The psalm also contains verses that focus on the Lord's faithfulness in the face of Israel's disobedience and rebellion. Despite their constant disobedience, the Lord remained true to his promises and continued to care for them (verses 46-48). The psalm ends with a reminder of the Lord's steadfast love for his people, which endures forever (verses 41-45).

Overall, Psalm 105 serves as a call to remember and give thanks for the Lord's faithfulness throughout the history of Israel. It encourages the Israelites to trust in the Lord's love and care, even in the face of difficulties and challenges. It also serves as a reminder of the Lord's faithfulness to his people, which endures forever.

New Testament
Acts 28:11-31
Acts 28:11-31 is the account of Paul's arrival on the island of Malta, where he was shipwrecked after being caught in a severe storm. This passage provides insight into Paul's character and the ways in which he shared the message of the gospel with others, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Upon arriving on Malta, Paul and the others were greeted with kindness and hospitality by the people on the island (verses 2-6). This kindness was put to the test, however, when a viper crawled out of the fire and bit Paul. Despite the general belief that such a bite would result in death, Paul was unharmed, and the people began to view him as a god (verses 7-10).

In verses 11-15, Paul takes advantage of this opportunity to share the gospel with the people of Malta, explaining that he is not a god but a servant of Jesus Christ, and that his power to survive the snakebite came from the Lord. He uses this incident as a means of opening the door for further discussions about the message of the gospel.

Verses 16-22 describe how Paul was eventually able to continue his journey, and arrived in Rome, where he was greeted by the leaders of the Jewish community. In these verses, Paul is portrayed as a calm and confident individual, who was unafraid to stand up for his beliefs, even in the face of opposition from the leaders of the Jewish community.

The final verses of this passage (verses 28-31) describe Paul's arrival in Rome and his time there. Although he was under house arrest, Paul was able to continue preaching the gospel, and many people came to believe in Jesus as a result of his ministry.

Overall, this passage serves as an example of Paul's unwavering commitment to sharing the message of the gospel, even in difficult and challenging circumstances. It also serves as a reminder that the Lord can use even the most unlikely circumstances to bring about his plans and purposes.

Action Points

  • Repent from your sins

  • we are called to holiness in every area of life (1 Pet. 1:14–16)

  • Do God's will

  • be obedient to God's instruction

  • tarry for the power of Holy Spirit


Holiness, not happiness, is the chief end of man.

-Oswald Chambers

The holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him.

-C. S. Lewis

Holiness is not the way to Christ. Christ is the way to holiness.

-Adrian Rogers

without the spirit of God, we can do nothing. We are like ships without wind. we are useless

-C.H. Spurgeon

Prayer Points

  • thank God for his covenant with you through Jesus Christ

  • thank Jesus for coming to die for our sins

  • thank God for His Grace and mercy

  • thank God for forgiveness of sins

  • pray for the power of holy Spirit

  • pray for the boldness to preach the gospel of Christ

  • pray for the grace to be obedient

  • pray for the grace to do God's will

  • pray for the fulfilment of God's promise in your life

  • pray for divine provision

  • pray for deliverance
