Today’s Bible Reading

November 23

Old Testament I
2 Chronicles 20
2 Chronicles 20 tells the story of King Jehoshaphat of Judah and how he and his people were delivered from the Moabites and Ammonites who had come to attack them.

The chapter begins with the news of the impending attack reaching King Jehoshaphat. Fearing for his people, he calls for a fast throughout the land and seeks the Lord's guidance. In his prayer, he acknowledges the Lord's power and promises to trust in Him.

God answers Jehoshaphat's prayer through the prophet Jahaziel, who assures him that the battle belongs to the Lord and that he need not fear. The next day, Jehoshaphat leads his army out to face the Moabites and Ammonites, but before they even reach the battlefield, he appoints singers to praise the Lord and to lead the army in song.

As the singers begin to praise, the Lord sets an ambush against the enemy, causing them to turn on each other and destroy themselves. When Jehoshaphat and his army arrive on the scene, they find the enemy already defeated, and the spoil of the battle was so great that it took them three days to collect it all.

The chapter concludes with the people of Judah rejoicing and praising God for His deliverance, and Jehoshaphat's reign is described as peaceful and prosperous.

Overall, the chapter highlights the importance of seeking the Lord's guidance and trusting in Him, even in the face of overwhelming odds. It also shows the power of praise and worship in bringing about victory and deliverance.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 39
Ezekiel 39 describes a prophecy about the destruction of Gog, the leader of a coalition of nations that will come against Israel in the last days. The chapter begins with God declaring that He will turn Gog back and bring him from the far north to the mountains of Israel. There, God will judge him and his army with a great slaughter, causing their bodies to be left on the mountains to be eaten by birds and beasts.

God will use this event as a testimony to all the nations, so that they may know that He is the Lord, and that His people have been vindicated. The people of Israel will also gather the weapons of the slain army and use them for fuel for the next seven years. They will not have to gather wood from the fields or forests, and they will have plenty of fuel for cooking and heating.

The chapter ends with God declaring that He will restore Israel from their captivity and bring them back to their own land. He will pour out His Spirit on them and they will know that He is the Lord. This chapter reminds us that God is sovereign over all nations and that He will ultimately triumph over evil and vindicate His people.

New Testament
John 16:16-33
John 16:16-33 is part of Jesus' final discourse with his disciples before his arrest and crucifixion. In this passage, Jesus prepares his disciples for his imminent departure and explains what they can expect in the future.

In verse 16, Jesus tells his disciples that he will soon leave them, but that he will also return to them. He uses the analogy of a woman giving birth to explain that the disciples will experience both sorrow and joy: sorrow when he leaves, but joy when he returns.

Jesus then tells his disciples that in his absence, they will experience trouble and persecution, but that they should take heart because he has overcome the world (verse 33). He assures them that he will send the Holy Spirit to be with them and guide them (verse 17).

Jesus also predicts that the disciples will scatter and leave him alone, but that he will not be alone because the Father is with him (verse 32). He encourages the disciples to have faith in him and in the Father, and to trust that they will receive whatever they ask for in his name (verse 23).

Overall, this passage emphasizes the importance of faith, trust, and perseverance in the face of difficulties. It also highlights the promise of the Holy Spirit as a source of guidance and comfort for believers.