Today’s Bible Reading

July 26

Old Testament I
Ruth 1
The book of Ruth opens with a story set in the time of the judges, when Israel was experiencing a period of moral and political decline. It tells the story of a woman named Naomi who, along with her husband and two sons, leaves her homeland of Bethlehem to escape a famine and settle in Moab.

While in Moab, Naomi's husband dies, leaving her a widow, and her two sons marry Moabite women, Ruth and Orpah. But tragedy strikes again, and both sons die, leaving Naomi and her daughters-in-law without any male protection or support.

Naomi decides to return to Bethlehem, and she urges her daughters-in-law to stay in Moab and find new husbands. Orpah reluctantly agrees, but Ruth refuses to leave Naomi's side, declaring her loyalty and love for her mother-in-law and her people.

The chapter ends with Naomi and Ruth arriving in Bethlehem, where they are met with mixed reactions from the townspeople who remember Naomi and her family. Naomi is bitter and discouraged, feeling as if God has abandoned her, but Ruth is determined to find a way to support them both.

Overall, Ruth 1 sets the stage for a powerful story of loyalty, faithfulness, and redemption, as Ruth's selfless love for Naomi leads her to make significant sacrifices and eventually find unexpected blessings in the midst of difficult circumstances.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 42:22 - 43:10
Isaiah 42:22-43:10 is a section of the book of Isaiah that begins with a rebuke of the people of Israel for their blindness and deafness to God's message. The passage then shifts to a proclamation of God's power and salvation, as well as a call for the people of Israel to repent and return to their covenant relationship with God.

In Isaiah 42:22-25, the prophet rebukes the people of Israel for their disobedience and stubbornness, pointing out that they have failed to heed God's message and have become spiritually blind and deaf. Despite God's efforts to correct and instruct them, they continue to rebel against him.

In Isaiah 43:1-7, God speaks directly to the people of Israel, assuring them that he has not abandoned them and that he will protect and deliver them from their enemies. He promises to be with them through trials and to bring them through the waters of judgment, symbolizing their redemption from slavery and oppression.

In Isaiah 43:8-13, God reminds the people of Israel that they are his witnesses, chosen to testify to his power and salvation before the nations. He affirms his identity as the one true God and warns against idolatry and false worship.

Finally, in Isaiah 43:14-21, God declares his power and sovereignty over the nations and the natural world, recalling his past triumphs and promising to do new things for his people. He calls on them to forget the past and to focus on the new work that he is doing in their midst, promising to make a way for them in the wilderness and to provide water in the desert.

Overall, this passage of Isaiah emphasizes the importance of repentance and obedience to God's message, as well as his power to deliver and save his people from their enemies. It also highlights the role of the people of Israel as witnesses to God's power and salvation before the nations.

New Testament
2 Corinthians 1
In 2 Corinthians 1, the apostle Paul begins by addressing the Corinthians as fellow believers and acknowledging the comfort and encouragement they have given him during his trials. He then explains that the trials he has faced have taught him to rely on God's comfort and strength, rather than his own abilities.

Paul also assures the Corinthians that his motives and actions have always been sincere and honest, and he encourages them to live in the same way. He reminds them that God is faithful and will always keep his promises, and that they can trust in him even in the midst of difficulties.

Additionally, Paul addresses some of the criticisms and accusations that have been made against him, explaining his reasons for changing his travel plans and assuring the Corinthians that he is not a manipulative or deceitful person.

Overall, 2 Corinthians 1 highlights the importance of relying on God's comfort and strength during difficult times, living with sincerity and honesty, and trusting in God's faithfulness and promises.