Today’s Bible Reading

July 29

Old Testament I
1 Samuel 1
1 Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah, a barren woman who is married to Elkanah. Each year, Elkanah and his family go up to Shiloh to offer sacrifices to the Lord, but Hannah is unable to bear children and is constantly teased by Elkanah's other wife, Peninnah, who has several children.

Hannah is heartbroken and turns to the Lord in prayer, vowing that if she has a son, she will dedicate him to the Lord's service. Eli, the priest at Shiloh, sees Hannah praying silently and mistakenly assumes that she is drunk. When Hannah explains her situation, Eli blesses her and prays that God will grant her request.

Hannah eventually conceives and gives birth to a son, whom she names Samuel. As she had promised, she brings him to Shiloh when he is old enough and dedicates him to the Lord's service. Hannah sings a beautiful prayer of thanks and praise to God, and the chapter ends with Samuel growing up in the Lord's presence under Eli's guidance.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 44:24 - 45:8
Isaiah 44:24-45:8 is a message of hope and salvation from the Lord to his people. In this passage, God declares his sovereignty and power, and reminds his people of their place as his chosen ones.

In verse 24 of chapter 44, God declares that he is the one who created the earth and formed all things. He proclaims that he did so alone, without any help or assistance, and that he is the one who stretched out the heavens.

God goes on to say that he will pour out his Spirit on his people, and that they will flourish like grass and trees. He promises to bless them with children and to provide for their needs.

In chapter 45, God speaks to Cyrus, the king of Persia, who will be instrumental in allowing the exiled Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. God calls Cyrus his anointed one, and declares that he will make the nations submit to him.

God also reminds his people that he is the one who created them and chose them as his own. He promises to protect them and provide for them, and he calls on them to turn to him and be saved.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the sovereignty and power of God, as well as his love and protection for his people. It also highlights the important role that individuals can play in carrying out God's plan, as Cyrus did in allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem.

New Testament
2 Corinthians 4:7 - 5:10
2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10 is a passage in which the Apostle Paul describes the challenges and struggles that he and other believers face in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. He acknowledges that the work of evangelism is difficult, but also expresses confidence that God will provide the strength and resources needed to persevere.

In 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, Paul emphasizes the frailty of the human body and the contrast between our weakness and the power of God. He explains that while he and his fellow workers may be afflicted and persecuted, they are not crushed or forsaken because God sustains them. Paul also stresses that the purpose of their ministry is not to promote themselves, but to share the gospel message.

In 2 Corinthians 4:13-18, Paul encourages his readers to remain steadfast in their faith, even in the midst of trials and difficulties. He assures them that their present sufferings are temporary and that they will be rewarded with eternal glory. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on what is unseen and eternal rather than what is visible and temporal.

In 2 Corinthians 5:1-5, Paul discusses the hope of believers in the resurrection of the dead. He explains that the earthly body is like a tent, which will one day be replaced by a heavenly dwelling. This hope of eternal life is a source of encouragement and confidence for believers.

In 2 Corinthians 5:6-10, Paul emphasizes the need for believers to live by faith and not by sight. He explains that while we are at home in the body, we are away from the Lord, but we can still walk by faith and not by sight. He reminds his readers that one day they will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to give an account of their lives. He encourages them to do good works in this life, knowing that they will be rewarded in the next.

Overall, this passage emphasizes the challenges and difficulties of spreading the gospel, but also the hope and confidence that believers have in the power and faithfulness of God. It encourages believers to persevere in their faith, focusing on what is unseen and eternal rather than what is visible and temporal, and to live by faith and not by sight.