Today’s Bible Reading

November 6

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 21
1 Chronicles 21 records the account of David’s sin in taking a census of Israel. Satan incited David to take the census, and David gave in to the temptation, even though Joab, his commander, warned him against it. The census revealed that there were 1,570,000 men of military age in Israel and Judah, which caused David to realize his error and confess his sin to God.

God sent the prophet Gad to David, who gave him a choice of three punishments: three years of famine, three months of defeat at the hands of his enemies, or three days of plague. David chose the latter, and the plague began. It swept through Israel and claimed 70,000 lives, until David pleaded with God to stop the punishment.

David purchased the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, which he used as a site for an altar to the Lord. God accepted David’s sacrifice, and the plague was stopped. This site would later become the location of the Temple in Jerusalem.

Overall, the chapter emphasizes the importance of obedience to God and the serious consequences of sin, even for a great king like David.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 20:1-44
Ezekiel 20:1-44 is a passage in which the Lord speaks to Ezekiel about the history of Israel and their disobedience towards Him. The chapter can be divided into three sections:

Section 1: Verses 1-29
In the first section, the elders of Israel come to Ezekiel to inquire of the Lord. The Lord then speaks to Ezekiel, asking him if he is willing to judge the elders of Israel and show them the detestable practices of their fathers. The Lord then proceeds to recount the history of Israel, from the time they were slaves in Egypt to the present day, and how they constantly rebelled against Him. He recalls how He promised to bring them into the land of Canaan, but they still disobeyed Him and worshipped idols.

Section 2: Verses 30-44
In the second section, the Lord speaks directly to the elders of Israel and rebukes them for their idolatry and disobedience. He reminds them that they are not to be like their fathers, who rebelled against Him and were punished for their sins. The Lord then promises to restore Israel to their land, but only if they repent and turn away from their wicked ways.

Section 3: Verses 45-49
In the final section, the Lord tells Ezekiel to speak to the people of Israel, who have been taunting him and questioning his authority. He tells Ezekiel to prophesy against the south and to warn the people that judgment is coming.

In summary, Ezekiel 20:1-44 is a reminder to the people of Israel of their disobedience and the consequences of their actions. The Lord calls on them to repent and turn away from their wickedness so that they may once again be restored to their land.

New Testament
John 7:2-30
John 7:2-30 recounts the events surrounding Jesus' visit to Jerusalem during the Feast of Booths. The passage highlights the divided opinions of the people regarding Jesus and his teachings.

Initially, Jesus' own brothers urged him to go to Jerusalem and reveal himself to the world, but Jesus declined, knowing that his time had not yet come.

As the feast began, Jesus went to the temple and began teaching. The Jews were amazed at his teachings and questioned how he had acquired such knowledge, as he had not been trained by any of the rabbis.

Jesus then challenged their understanding of the law, stating that if anyone thirsts, they should come to him and drink, for he is the living water. Some of the people believed in him, while others remained skeptical.

The Pharisees and the chief priests, who were threatened by Jesus' popularity, sent officers to arrest him. However, the officers were so moved by Jesus' teachings that they were unable to carry out their orders.

When the Pharisees questioned the officers about why they had not arrested Jesus, they replied that no one had ever spoken like him. The Pharisees then accused the officers of being deceived and condemned anyone who believed in Jesus.

In conclusion, this passage emphasizes the division that existed among the Jews regarding Jesus' teachings and his claims to be the Messiah. While some believed in him, others remained skeptical and even hostile towards him.