Today’s Bible Reading

September 12

Old Testament I
1 Kings 4, 5
1 Kings 4 and 5 describe the reign of King Solomon, son of King David. In chapter 4, we see Solomon's administration and his wise rule over Israel. He appoints several officials to oversee various aspects of the government, including a chief of staff, a priest, and a commander of his army. Solomon's wisdom is evident as he judges fairly in legal disputes, provides for his people, and ensures that justice is done.

In chapter 5, we see Solomon's preparations for building the temple of the Lord in Jerusalem. He makes an alliance with King Hiram of Tyre, who provides him with the materials and skilled workers needed for the construction of the temple. Solomon also mobilizes thousands of Israelites to assist in the building project. Despite the magnitude of the task, the work progresses smoothly and efficiently.

The key theme of these two chapters is Solomon's wisdom and his commitment to the Lord. He leads Israel with fairness and justice, and he honors God by building a magnificent temple for the worship of the Lord. As a result, Solomon's reign is marked by prosperity and peace, and Israel enjoys a time of great blessing under his leadership.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 12
Jeremiah 12 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah that addresses the prophet's personal struggles and questions regarding the justice of God. In this chapter, Jeremiah expresses his frustration with the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous.

The chapter begins with Jeremiah's complaint to God, asking why the wicked prosper and why God allows them to do so. He also expresses his concern that God's justice is not being upheld and asks why God allows the unfaithful to flourish.

In response, God reminds Jeremiah that his ways are not the same as human ways and that he sees and judges the hearts of all people. God also tells Jeremiah that he will continue to prune and refine his people, even if it means allowing them to face hardship and suffering.

Throughout the chapter, Jeremiah continues to express his doubts and concerns, but ultimately comes to a place of surrender and trust in God's sovereignty and justice. He acknowledges that God is ultimately in control and that he will continue to trust in him, even in the midst of uncertainty and difficulty.

Overall, Jeremiah 12 is a chapter that explores the tension between God's justice and mercy, and the struggle to reconcile the apparent prosperity of the wicked with the suffering of the righteous. It is a reminder that we must trust in God's wisdom and sovereignty, even when we do not understand his ways.

New Testament
Ephesians 5:1-21
Ephesians 5:1-21 contains several exhortations and instructions for believers to live a holy and godly life. The passage can be divided into three main sections:

Walk in love (5:1-7)
Paul begins by urging the Ephesian believers to imitate God by walking in love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us. He also reminds them to avoid sexual immorality, impurity, and greed, which are not fitting for God's holy people. Believers should have no fellowship with such things and should expose them instead.

Walk as children of light (5:8-14)
In this section, Paul reminds believers that they were once in darkness but are now children of light in the Lord. They should, therefore, live as people of light, bearing fruit in every good work and exposing the deeds of darkness. Paul quotes a hymn or poem to encourage the Ephesian believers to wake up from their spiritual slumber and allow Christ's light to shine in their lives.

Walk wisely (5:15-21)
The final section of the passage exhorts believers to walk wisely and make the most of every opportunity. They should not be foolish but understand what the Lord's will is. Believers should be filled with the Spirit, singing psalms and hymns and making music in their hearts to the Lord, always giving thanks to God for everything.

In summary, Ephesians 5:1-21 is a call for believers to live a life of love and holiness, to walk as children of light, and to use wisdom and discernment in all their actions. Believers are to avoid immorality and evil deeds, and instead, allow the light of Christ to shine in their lives, living as wise and grateful children of God.