Today’s Bible Reading

July 8

Old Testament I
Judges 1:1 - 2:5
Judges 1:1-2:5 tells the story of the Israelites' conquest of Canaan after the death of Joshua. The book of Judges begins with a summary of the Israelites' failure to completely drive out the Canaanites, even though God had promised them victory. The tribe of Judah, led by Caleb's nephew, Othniel, defeats the Canaanite king Adoni-bezek and captures Jerusalem. However, they fail to fully drive out the Jebusites who continue to live in the city.

The other tribes of Israel also have successes and failures in their conquests. The tribe of Benjamin fails to drive out the Jebusites, while the tribes of Manasseh, Ephraim, Zebulun, Asher, and Naphtali are successful in their conquests. However, the tribes of Dan and Joseph (the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh) are not able to fully drive out the Canaanites from their territories.

After the initial victories, the Israelites begin to intermingle with the Canaanites and worship their gods. God becomes angry with the Israelites for not completely obeying His commandments, and He allows the Canaanites to remain in the land as a punishment. The Israelites weep and offer sacrifices to God, but they continue to worship the Canaanite gods.

In conclusion, Judges 1:1-2:5 highlights the Israelites' partial obedience to God's commands, their successes and failures in conquering the land of Canaan, and their disobedience by worshipping the gods of the Canaanites. The stage is set for the rest of the book of Judges, which recounts the stories of Israel's cycle of sin, judgment, repentance, and deliverance.

Old Testament II
Isaiah 21:1 - 22:14
Isaiah 21:1-10 contains a prophecy about the fall of Babylon. The prophet sees a vision of a watchman standing on a tower, looking out over the desert. Suddenly, he sees a group of riders approaching, and he cries out, "Fallen, fallen is Babylon!" The prophet then describes the destruction that will come upon the city, and the cries of anguish that will be heard throughout the land.

In Isaiah 21:11-12, the prophet turns his attention to Edom, a neighboring country that was known for its pride and arrogance. The prophet warns that Edom too will be brought low, and its glory will be diminished.

Isaiah 21:13-17 contains a prophecy about Arabia. The prophet sees a vision of caravans of camels and donkeys, laden with goods, making their way through the desert. But suddenly, they are attacked by a marauding army, and their goods are stolen. The prophet warns that this is a sign of the calamity that will come upon the land.

Isaiah 22:1-14 contains a prophecy about Jerusalem. The prophet sees a vision of the city under siege, and its leaders feasting and drinking in celebration of their impending victory. But the prophet warns that their joy will be short-lived, and that the city will fall to its enemies. The prophet then mourns for the city and its people, and calls on them to repent and turn back to God.

New Testament
1 Corinthians 1
1 Corinthians 1 is a chapter in the New Testament of the Bible, written by the apostle Paul to the church in Corinth. The chapter opens with Paul introducing himself and his companions, and greeting the church in Corinth.
Paul then addresses the issue of divisions in the church, and how the Corinthians have been arguing and quarreling among themselves about who they follow - some claiming to follow Paul, others claiming to follow Apollos, and still others claiming to follow Cephas (Peter) or Christ. Paul rebukes them for their division, and reminds them that they were all baptized into one body in Christ, and should not be divided.

Paul goes on to emphasize the importance of preaching the message of the cross, which may seem foolish to those who do not believe, but which is the power of God to those who are being saved. He points out that God has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world to shame the strong.

Paul then contrasts the wisdom of God with the wisdom of the world, and shows how the wisdom of God often looks like foolishness to the world. He reminds the Corinthians that they were not called because of their wisdom or strength, but because of God's grace, and urges them to boast only in the Lord.

Finally, Paul concludes the chapter by reminding the Corinthians that God has called them to be holy, and that their salvation is not based on their own wisdom or works, but on the power of God. He urges them to put aside their divisions and focus on following Christ, who is the wisdom and power of God.