Today’s Bible Reading

September 15

Old Testament I
1 Kings 8:1-30
1 Kings 8:1-30 recounts the dedication of the temple that King Solomon built for the Lord in Jerusalem. Here is a summary of the passage:

Verse 1 sets the scene, describing how the priests and Levites brought the ark of the covenant to the temple, along with the holy vessels and furnishings that had been kept in the tabernacle.
Verses 2-4 describe how the people of Israel gathered for the occasion, from all corners of the land, and sacrificed so many sheep and oxen that they could not be counted.
Verses 5-9 describe how the priests brought the ark into the temple, and how the glory of the Lord filled the house so that the priests could not stand to minister.
Verses 10-11 describe how Solomon blessed the people and gave thanks to the Lord for fulfilling his promise to David to build a temple for his name.
Verses 12-13 describe how Solomon acknowledged that the temple could not contain the Lord, who dwelt in heaven, but was a place for the people to come and pray.
Verses 14-21 describe how Solomon offered a prayer of dedication for the temple, acknowledging that it was a fulfillment of God's promise to David, and asking for God's continued presence and blessing on the temple and on the people of Israel.
Verses 22-30 contain a specific part of Solomon's prayer, in which he asks God to hear the prayers of the people when they come to the temple, to forgive their sins, and to maintain justice in their land. Solomon also prays for God's blessing on the king and on the people, so that they may continue to walk in his ways and obey his commands.
Overall, the passage emphasizes the importance of the temple as a place where the people of Israel can come to worship and pray to the Lord, and the importance of God's presence and blessing on the people and on their king. It also acknowledges the incomprehensible greatness of God, who cannot be contained in any earthly dwelling.

Old Testament II
Jeremiah 15
Jeremiah 15 is a chapter in the Old Testament book of Jeremiah, which contains a message of judgment and warning to the people of Judah. The chapter begins with God's response to Jeremiah's prayer, in which he pleads with God to show mercy to the people of Judah.

God tells Jeremiah that he will not listen to his plea for mercy, as the people of Judah have continued to rebel against him and worship false gods. He describes the punishment that will come upon them, including famine, sword, and captivity.

Jeremiah expresses his frustration and anguish over the situation, lamenting that he has become a laughingstock among the people and that his message of judgment has made him unpopular. He questions why he was even born, given the pain and suffering that he has experienced in his prophetic ministry.

God responds to Jeremiah by reassuring him of his faithfulness and strength, and instructs him to continue to preach his message of judgment, even though it will be unpopular and difficult. He promises to protect him and be with him through the challenges to come.

The chapter concludes with Jeremiah's vow of devotion to God, and his confidence that God will ultimately deliver him and his people from their enemies.

New Testament
Philippians 1:1-20
Philippians 1:1-20 is the opening section of Paul's letter to the church in Philippi. In this section, Paul begins by greeting the Philippians and thanking God for them. He then expresses his confidence in their continued growth in faith and love, and assures them of his prayers on their behalf.

Paul then goes on to discuss his own situation, specifically his imprisonment for the sake of the gospel. He notes that his imprisonment has actually served to advance the gospel, as many have been encouraged by his example and emboldened to preach the gospel themselves. He also expresses his willingness to die for Christ, if necessary.

Paul concludes this section by encouraging the Philippians to continue to live in a manner worthy of the gospel, and to stand firm in the face of opposition. He reassures them that their suffering for Christ is a sign of their salvation, and that God will ultimately bring about their vindication and glory.

Overall, this section of Philippians is a powerful exhortation to faith, courage, and perseverance in the face of trials and persecution, and a reminder that even in the midst of suffering, God is at work to bring about his purposes and advance his kingdom.