Today’s Bible Reading

March 31

Old Testament I
Leviticus 7:11-38 

The passage in Leviticus 7:11-38 deals with the regulations regarding the offerings made by the Israelites to the Lord. In particular, it focuses on the peace offerings, which were made to show gratitude and thanksgiving to God.

Verses 11-21 describe the portion of the peace offering that was to be given to the priest. This included the fat and the organs of the animal that was offered, which were considered to be the most valuable parts. The priest was also to receive a portion of the meat from the offering, but he was not allowed to eat the fat.

Verses 22-27 state that if someone sinned unintentionally, they were to bring a male goat as a sin offering to the Lord. The goat was to be killed and its blood was to be sprinkled on the altar, symbolizing the transfer of the person's sin to the animal. The rest of the goat was to be burned, showing that the sin was completely consumed by the Lord.

Verses 28-31 explain that if someone was guilty of a sacrilege (i.e. theft or deception regarding something that was consecrated to the Lord), they were to repay what they took, add a fifth of its value, and give it all to the priest. The priest would then offer it as a reparation offering to the Lord.

Verses 32-38 outline the regulations regarding the eating of the meat from the peace offering. The Israelites were to eat the meat within two days of the offering being made, and any leftovers were to be burned. The reason for this was to prevent the meat from becoming contaminated and to show the Israelites' respect for the offering they had made to the Lord.

Overall, this passage in Leviticus 7:11-38 provides important instructions for the Israelites regarding the offerings they were to make to the Lord. It emphasized the importance of following these regulations carefully, as they were a means of expressing their gratitude and devotion to the Lord.

Old Testament II
Psalms 107

Psalm 107 is a hymn of gratitude and praise to God for his merciful and compassionate acts towards his people. The psalm can be divided into four sections, each of which recounts different experiences of the Israelites and how God delivered them.

In verses 1-9, the psalm calls for the people of Israel to give thanks to the Lord for his great acts of deliverance. The psalmist invites all people, regardless of their circumstances, to offer thanks to the Lord for his love and mercy.

In verses 10-16, the psalm recounts the experience of the Israelites who were captives in a foreign land. The psalm describes how God heard their cries for help and delivered them from their distress. This section serves as an example of how God can rescue his people from any situation, no matter how desperate it may seem.

In verses 17-22, the psalm tells of how God delivered the Israelites who were lost in the wilderness. The psalm describes how they were wandering aimlessly, but God guided them to a safe place and gave them food and water to sustain them. This section highlights God's love and care for his people, even when they have strayed from the right path.

Finally, in verses 23-32, the psalm speaks of how God delivered those who were suffering from storms and tempests at sea. The psalm recounts how they cried out to God in their distress, and he calmed the winds and waves and brought them safely to shore. This section emphasizes the power of God over the natural world and his ability to protect and save his people from harm.

In conclusion, Psalm 107 is a powerful declaration of gratitude to God for his many acts of deliverance and mercy towards his people. It encourages all people to trust in God's love and care, no matter what challenges they may face, and to offer thanks and praise to him for all that he has done.

New Testament
Mark 1:21-45

Mark 1:21-45 is a passage that describes the beginning of Jesus' ministry in Galilee. It contains several stories that demonstrate Jesus' authority and power, as well as his compassion and mercy.

In verses 21-28, the passage describes Jesus' first visit to a synagogue in Galilee. While teaching in the synagogue, Jesus is confronted by a man with an unclean spirit, who cries out that Jesus is the Holy One of God. Jesus commands the unclean spirit to come out of the man, and the people are amazed by the power and authority that Jesus demonstrates.

In verses 29-34, Jesus leaves the synagogue and goes to the home of Simon Peter and his brother Andrew. There, he heals Peter's mother-in-law of a high fever, and many others who were sick come to him for healing. The people are amazed by the power of Jesus' healing, and many come to believe in him.

In verses 35-39, Jesus rises early the next morning and goes to a lonely place to pray. When he returns, he finds that the people are searching for him, and he begins to preach and teach throughout Galilee.

In verses 40-45, a man with leprosy approaches Jesus and asks to be healed. Jesus reaches out and touches the man, healing him of his leprosy. The man then goes away, spreading the news of Jesus' miracle throughout the area. This story demonstrates Jesus' compassion and mercy, as well as his power to heal.

Overall, Mark 1:21-45 is a passage that describes the beginning of Jesus' ministry and the impact it had on the people of Galilee. It demonstrates Jesus' authority, power, compassion, and mercy, and shows how many people came to believe in him as a result of his teachings and miracles.

Action Point

  • Embrace the obedience to God's commands. 

  • Do not overlook the gift of God’s  love. 

  • Participate in prison outreach programs

  • Treat all individuals with dignity and respect, valuing their worth. 

  • Show compassion and empathy towards others.


the idea of respect is more than just being polite

-Bruce glassman

show respect even to people who don't deserve it; not as a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of yours."

-Dave Willis

The love of Christ always helps us see beyond the faults of others.

-Victor Manuel Rivera

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Prayer Points

Dear God,

  • I offer my sincere gratitude for Your sacrifice on the cross for our sins. 

  • Thank You for Your constant provision and salvation. 

  • I am humbled by Your love and ask for Your mercy.

  • Fill me with the power of the Holy Spirit. 

  • I pray for a miracle relevant to my life.

  •  May I be filled with love and compassion for myself and others, and the strength to wield my authority in Christ. Amen."
