Today’s Bible Reading

November 2

Old Testament I
1 Chronicles 15
1 Chronicles 15 begins with David's plan to bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. He gathers all the leaders of Israel and the priests to discuss how to properly transport the Ark. David realizes that when they first tried to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, they did not follow God's instructions and it resulted in tragedy.

David then commands the Levites to consecrate themselves and prepare to transport the Ark. They bring the Ark from the house of Obed-Edom, with singing, dancing, and musical instruments. The Levites carry the Ark on their shoulders, as God had commanded.

When they arrive in Jerusalem, they offer burnt offerings and peace offerings to God. David blesses the people and distributes food to everyone. He appoints some of the Levites as singers and musicians to lead the worship in the Temple.

The chapter ends with a description of the elaborate ceremony that took place when the Ark was brought into Jerusalem. The priests and Levites wore special clothing and played music as the Ark was placed in its new home. David and the people celebrated with joy, and the sound of trumpets echoed throughout the city.

Overall, 1 Chronicles 15 emphasizes the importance of following God's commands and the proper way to worship Him. It also shows the significance of the Ark of the Covenant as a symbol of God's presence among His people.

Old Testament II
Ezekiel 16:1-34
Ezekiel 16:1-34 is a prophetic passage in which God speaks through Ezekiel to rebuke the nation of Israel for its spiritual adultery and unfaithfulness. The passage uses a metaphor of a promiscuous woman to describe Israel's unfaithfulness to God.

The chapter begins with God commanding Ezekiel to confront Jerusalem with its sins, and to remind the people of their past when they were an abandoned baby who was rescued and cared for by God. God compares Jerusalem to a newborn baby who was left to die but was rescued by God and raised to become a beautiful young woman. God provided for her every need, clothed her in fine garments, and adorned her with jewelry, but instead of being grateful, she turned away from Him and began to prostitute herself with other nations and their gods.

Despite God's constant care and protection, Jerusalem continued to pursue its sinful ways, becoming more and more corrupt and unfaithful. She not only committed spiritual adultery by worshiping false gods but also engaged in physical adultery with neighboring nations. As a result, God promised to punish Jerusalem severely, allowing her lovers to turn against her and strip her of her beauty and wealth.

The passage ends with God reminding Jerusalem of the severity of her sins, warning her of the coming judgment, and promising to remember His covenant with her and restore her to her former glory if she repents and turns back to Him.

Overall, this passage serves as a powerful reminder of the consequences of unfaithfulness and the importance of remaining steadfast in our relationship with God.

New Testament
John 5:24-47
John 5:24-47 is a continuation of Jesus' conversation with the Jewish religious leaders after he had healed a man at the pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath. In this passage, Jesus makes several important claims about his identity and mission, and he challenges the religious leaders to examine their own beliefs and motives.

Verse 24: Jesus starts by emphasizing the importance of faith in him as the key to eternal life. He says that anyone who hears his word and believes in him who sent him has eternal life and will not be judged, but has crossed over from death to life.

Verse 25-29: Jesus then explains that he has the authority to give life and to judge because he is the Son of God. He says that a time is coming when the dead will hear his voice and those who have done good will rise to live, while those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.

Verse 30: Jesus affirms that he does nothing on his own but only what the Father has instructed him to do, and that his judgment is just because he seeks only to please the Father.

Verse 31-47: Jesus then challenges the religious leaders to examine the witnesses that testify about him, including John the Baptist, his works, and the Scriptures. He accuses them of being unwilling to come to him for life because they are seeking their own glory and not the glory that comes from God.

In summary, John 5:24-47 presents Jesus as the one who gives eternal life and judges all people. He emphasizes the importance of faith in him, and challenges the religious leaders to examine their own beliefs and motives in light of his claims.