April 7

Leviticus 14:1-32 provides detailed instructions for the purification of a person who has recovered from a skin disease, such as leprosy.

The process of purification involved two birds, cedar wood, scarlet yarn, and hyssop. The priest would take one of the birds and kill it over running water, then take the other bird, cedar wood, scarlet yarn, and hyssop, and dip them all into the blood of the first bird. The priest would then sprinkle the blood and water mixture on the person being purified seven times and pronounce them clean.

After the sprinkling of the blood, the person being purified would shave off all of their hair and wash their clothes, then bathe themselves with water. After this, they would be considered clean but would still need to wait seven days before returning to their home. On the seventh day, they would shave again, wash their clothes again, and bathe again. Then, they would be allowed to return to their home and their normal activities.

On the eighth day, the person being purified would bring two male lambs and one female lamb to the priest as a guilt offering, along with a grain offering and a drink offering. The priest would offer one of the male lambs as a sin offering, and the other male lamb and the female lamb as a burnt offering. The grain offering and drink offering would also be presented to the Lord.

This process of purification was a way for the person who had been diseased to be restored to the community and to be reconciled with God. It also demonstrated the power of God to bring healing and restoration to those who had been afflicted. The use of birds and other elements in the purification process may have been symbolic of the person's rebirth and renewal, as they were cleansed from their disease and given a new start.

14:21–32 God’s legislation for Israel showed special concern for the poor. In these sacrifices, the poor Israelite still had to bring a lamb for the trespass offering. But for the sin offering and the burnt offering, he was allowed to bring turtle doves or pigeons. In addition, the grain offering was reduced from three-tenths to one-tenth of an ephah of fine flour. The ritual for restoring a poor person to the community was essentially the same as it was for other Israelites.



Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Book of Psalms and is a celebration of the Word of God. In verses 1-40, the psalmist expresses his love for God's law and the blessings that come from following it.

The psalm begins with a declaration of the blessings that come from living according to God's law. The psalmist says that those who walk in God's ways are blessed and that they seek him with their whole heart. He then expresses his desire to keep God's commandments and asks that God would help him to understand them and live according to them.

The psalmist then goes on to describe the importance of meditating on God's law day and night, saying that it brings joy and peace to his heart. He also praises God for his faithfulness and for the guidance he receives from his statutes and commands.

The psalmist acknowledges that he has gone astray like a lost sheep and asks God to seek him out and bring him back to the fold. He also asks that God would remove any false ways from his life and lead him in the path of righteousness.

The psalmist then speaks of the trials and afflictions he has faced, but he declares that God's Word has been his comfort and refuge in the midst of his struggles. He asks that God would sustain him and help him to keep his Word, even in the face of persecution.

In conclusion, the psalmist declares that he delights in God's law and that he will continue to meditate on it and follow it all the days of his life. He acknowledges that God is his teacher and asks that he would continue to guide him in the way of truth.

Overall, Psalm 119:1-40 is a powerful celebration of the Word of God and the blessings that come from living according to it. It reminds us of the importance of seeking God with our whole hearts, meditating on his Word, and following his commands, even in the face of trials and afflictions.




Mark 5:21-43 tells two interrelated stories of two people who were healed by Jesus: a woman who had been suffering from a chronic illness and a young girl who had died.

The passage begins with a man named Jairus, a leader of the synagogue, who came to Jesus and fell at his feet, begging him to come to his home and heal his daughter who was near death. Jesus agreed to go with him, and on the way, a large crowd of people pressed in on him.

In the midst of the crowd was a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years. She had spent all of her money on doctors, but no one was able to help her. She heard about Jesus and believed that if she could just touch his cloak, she would be healed. When she touched his cloak, Jesus immediately felt power go out from him and asked who had touched him. The woman came forward and told him her story, and Jesus told her that her faith had made her well.

According to Jesus, it was her faith that made her well. This was a proclamation Jesus made many times (Matt. 8:10; 9:22, 29; 15:28; Luke 7:50; 8:48). Her faith motivates her to act. Faith itself does not heal; rather, it is the proper object of that faith, Jesus, who heals.

While Jesus was still speaking with the woman, messengers arrived from Jairus' home and told him that his daughter had died. Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid, but to believe, and they continued on to his home. When they arrived, they found a crowd of mourners already there. Jesus told them that the girl was not dead, but only sleeping. He took her by the hand and told her to rise, and she immediately got up and began to walk around.

The command to keep the miracle a secret was a temporary measure, for certainly the girl’s reappearance could not be hidden very long. Such orders would, however, allow Jesus to exit quietly. Jesus did not want to be known primarily as a miracle worker lest people seek Him for the wrong reasons.

These two stories demonstrate the power of Jesus to heal and restore life. They also reveal the importance of faith and trust in Jesus' ability to heal, even in seemingly impossible situations. The woman's faith and persistence in seeking healing from Jesus was rewarded, and Jairus' faith was strengthened by witnessing Jesus' power to raise the dead. This passage also highlights Jesus' compassion for those who are suffering and his willingness to go to great lengths to bring healing and hope to those in need.


Action point

Live according to God's law so that you will be blessed


Keep God's commandments


Meditating on God's law day and night,


Let God's Word be your comfort and refuge

Make it a habit to preach the Gospel

Let your faith motivates you to act.


Faith itself does not heal; rather, it is the proper object of that faith, Jesus, who heals.



My conscience is captive to the word of God

-Martin Luther King Jr


You can't do the will of God if you don't know the Word of God.

-Jack Wystzen


Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase



The Bible is a gold mine waiting for someone to take out it’s riches

-Lu Robertson


Faith is unseen but felt,

 faith is strength when we feel we have none,

faith is hope when all seems lost.

-Catherine Pulsifer




Prayer Point

Thank you God for your Grace

I am sorry for going astray

Seek me out and bring me back to the fold

Help me to understand your laws and live according to them

Remove any false ways from my life and lead me in the path of righteousness.

Sustain me and help me to keep Your Word, even in the face of persecution

Guide me in the way of truth